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For the start guys Ally will be sitting on Michaelas lap until you know she gets up and for the plane because ally is under two she will be sitting on her fathers lap

Michaela voice over: No one can explain what happened to us on April 7, 2013. Some people called it impossible. Others called it a miracle. All I know is... it was the day my life changed forever.
If you'd seen us that afternoon, you probably would have thought we looked like a typical American family returning home from vacation. My brother, Ben, and his wife, Grace, still in love after 15 years. Their youngest Ally who sits quietly babbling to herself, Their twins, Olive and Cal, always bickering like an old married couple. And the real old married couple... my parents. Still in perfect health, still trying to run my life.

Mom: It's not just about you. This family needs something to celebrate.
(Ally looks up at her aunt Michaela and smiles Michaela brushes a light brown curl from out of the girls face and smiles back)

Michaela: Okay, that's a pretty backwards reason for a wedding, but...

Steve: How's this for a reason?
Jared loves you.
Mom: And I know you love him.

Typical, right?

But what you couldn't see is that Cal's leukemia wasn't responding to treatment... or that Ben and Grace were desperately struggling to find a cure... or that I still had nightmares about the car accident.

Mom: Michaela Beth, even people that have made mistakes deserve happiness.

( Scoffs )
Mom: You know my favorite verse... "All things work together for good."
Michaela: I don't believe that anymore, Mom. How can I?
Which is why, when I got the chance to stay away from home for even a few more hours, I jumped at it.

Woman: All passengers for Flight 537 to New York, John F. Kennedy Airport, your attention, please.

This flight is oversold. We are offering travel vouchers in the amount of $400 for anyone willing to take a later flight.
Michaela: Yes. That's me. (As she gets up to get a ticket passing Ally to her father Ben
(Ben looks at grace)
Grace: No.
Ben: It's $400 per person. That's our next trip down to the Mayo Clinic.
Cal:I'll stay with Dad.
Ally: me oo
(Ally babbles)
Ben:There you go. Man and daughter time
(Everyone is getting ready to go on different planes)
Ben: All right. All right.
(Ben says while kissing his oldest daughter goodbye and his wife)
(Olive looks down at her younger sister and smiles she pulls ally in for a hug and tightly squeezes her)
Olive: Don't grow while your gone
(Olive says to her younger sister pulling her from out of a hug)
Ally: I won't
(Both girls giggle)

So Grace and Olive and my folks took the first flight home
while Ben, Ally and Cal and I waited for Flight 828.

♪ ♪
Funny how one little decision can ruin your life.

But also save it.
( Keyboard keys clacking )
( Cabin bell dings )
Peanuts? You're welcome.
Ma'am, would you like peanuts?
Do you have anything sodium-free?

(Conversation between Ben and Michaela while cal is asleep in the chair between them and ally is in bens arms also asleep)

Ben: Mom's not wrong. Jared's not gonna wait around forever

Michaela: Great marriage pep talk. Thank you.

Ben: Why are you fighting this, when all it's gonna do is make you happy?
Ben: It's all we want for you.
Michaela: That was really sweet of you. You must be drunk.
Ben: Definitely. ( Chuckles )
Ben: Say yes to Jared. Have a wedding and a honeymoon. Turn the page. It's time. And, yes, you deserve it. Truly.
( Thunder crashes )
( Alarm blaring )
( Passengers shouting )

(Ally and cal have both woke up from this)
Ally: daddy wat going on
(Ally looks up at her father in fear on what's going on Ben holds on to his daughter tightly as he looks around not realising his daughter was talking to him)
(Cal reaches his hand out to hold ally's to try calm his younger sister)

Michaela: Ally honey it's just some turbulence it will go away soon

(Michaela try's to comfort her niece)
Ben: Yeah sweetheart everything's gonna be alright
(Ben says once realising his daughter was talking)

Daly: Ugh. Terribly sorry, folks.

That was extreme turbulence resulting from a sudden weather surge that was not on the radar. Rest assured, engines' controls are okay. But, please, keep those seat belts fastened.

Ben: See baby everything's ok
(Ben says to try to help his daughter from being less scared)
(Ally pushes her face into her fathers chest as he puts one hand on to her head)
In the control room

Daly: New York approach.
Montego Air 8-2-8. Level one five thousand. Man:
This is New York approach. Uh, repeat your call sign, please?
We are MA 8-2-8.
( Switch clicks, beep )
Repeat... Montego Air 8-2-8. Montego Bay to JFK. Copy that?
Clarke: ( Jamaican accent ) Any time now. Can I get your name, Captain, and the number of passengers and crew on your manifest?
Uh, this is Captain William Daly. We have 192 souls on board, all of whom would love to touch down on one of your runways.

( Cabin bell dings )
Daly: Sorry, folks. Apologies and a half. We are diverting to Stewart Airport up in Newburgh...
( Passengers groan )
...spitting distance from the city. But for any of those who are trying to make a connecting flight, we owe you one. Flight attendants, prepare for landing.

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