Hard landing

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(Ben and Zeke have left to go see this new man who was brought up from the water still alive after 80 hours Alison lays in her bed sleeping the night away but something seems to be wrong Alison wakes up feeling liquid fill her lugs like the times she drank and it went down the wrong tube she starts to choke on the liquid coughing continuously grace here's her youngest having a hard time and walks up to see what's wrong she walks into Alison's room to see the girl trying to breath grace rushes over to her daughter lifting the toddler from her bed and having her stand she pats Alison's back helping her get the liquid out Alison finally brings up the liquid coming out of her mouth onto the floor Nearly getting on grace, grace looks down seeing what her daughter just threw up and and looks confused it was water but grace doesn't remember giving her toddler water before bed only the slight milk she had with her medicine)
Alison: mama m-my chest h-hurts
(Alison brings grace out of her thoughts taking in what her daughter said Alison begins to cry as she also didn't understand what was going on and only a minute ago the young girl was choking on water)
Grace: it's ok baby girl should we get some medicine
(The young girl cry's while nodding her head yes)
(Grace says while only hoping medicine would help the child but she doesn't even know if that would work. Grace lifts her daughter onto her hip and walks out going down to the kitchen she puts Alison on the counter getting some medicine that should help her stomach settle grace gives ally this medicine and puts it away kissing Alison's head. Grace takes Alison's face into her hands giving her kisses all over)
Grace: baby it's ok
(Grace takes ally into her arms rocking her back and forth humming softly to her baby like she did when Alison was only a baby the young girl holds onto her mother filling her tiny fist with graces top slowly drifting of to sleep once the young girl had fallen asleep grace takes her upstairs remembering the vomit still hadn't been cleaned she decides Alison can just sleep with her and Ben tonight as the girl had been doing it recently. Grace walks into her room placing ally in the middle of the bed putting the covers over her making sure her head still poked out once comfortable with how she put ally she walks out to quickly clean up Alison's room than calling Ben to tell him)
The phone call
Grace: hey baby
Ben: hey everything
Grace: yeah well not Alison
Ben: what's wrong with Alison
Grace: Ben sh-she was choking on water when she had randomly woke up before but I swear she wasn't given any water before bed and it was like she couldn't breathe
Ben: grace it's ok it was probably just her stomach not taking it well
Grace: Ben it was only water I think it was a calling relating to the truck
Ben: it could be how is she now
Grace: I gave her something to hopefully settle her stomach but she's back down for now
Ben: ok just keep and eye on her we should be fine haven't heard anything yet but I'll let you know
Grace: ok honey I'll see you later
Ben: bye love you
Grace: love you
(The call ends and grace goes to her room to watch her child making sure nothing happens)
(Mean while at the hospital)

Ben: And you're sure it was a calling?
Mick: Yes I'm sure. He was having a vision, Ben. It was... It was an explosion of some kind.
Saanvi: He kept saying, "People are dying."
Ben: Which means will be. And soon. The callings have always been urgent.

Saanvi: A couple of hours at least.
Ben: Hopefully we're not too late.
(Ben gets a text from Grace updating him about his youngest daughter everyone looks up at him wondering who it was)
Ben: it's grace updating me about Alison
(Mick looks up at him concerned)
Mick: what happened with ally
Ben: grace thinks it was a calling but I don't know Alison woke up choking on water but she wasn't given any before bed she only threw up water too
(Everyone looks at Ben concerned)
Zeke: that definitely sounds like a calling is she ok?
Ben: yeah she's ok now but that's what I was going to conclude it to be but why would Alison be having a calling about water
Mick: well they did say he had no symptoms of being under water maybe Alison's taking it for him
Ben: but she's only a child she did nothing wrong it just doesn't make sense this guy comes back and my toddler suffers
Zeke: ben none of us want to see that kid suffer
Ben: thanks Zeke
Saanvi: I could check her out tomorrow see if she does have any symptoms
Ben: that would be great
Zeke: How long will he be out for?
Saanvi: What do we know about this guy?
Mick: His name is James Griffin. He's known for aggravated assault, armed robbery, and, now, a double homicide.
Ben: Why does this guy get to come back?
Mick: Yeah, I don't understand. I thought the callings were all about a bigger purpose, but how does this guy fit into that?
Ben: And why now? Why two non-passengers returning back-to-back?
Zeke: Really? You're gonna lump me and Natural Born Killer in together?
Ben: No, no. I'm just saying, there has to be a logic to his return, a reason. Even if it's not for doing good.
Zeke: Whatever it is, Michaela is somehow in the middle of it. Cal's and allys calling led you to me. Their next calling led you to Griffin.
Ben: Assuming Griffin's the wolf...
Zeke: He's got to be.
Michaela: He jumped out of the van at me, and... I mean, it tracks. The calling wanted me to help you understand it. Maybe I'm supposed to help Griffin, too.
Saanvi: Even though he's a terrible person?
Ben: A terrible person with information that could avert a disaster.
Saanvi: Fine. I need to test Griffin's blood. See if he has the same marker as Zeke.
Mick: Hey, you should keep an eye on her. She went through massive trauma. She's not doing okay.
The next morning
Olive: Dad, I put Griffin on my board. Do you think he's the wolf that Cal drew?
Ben: He might be. But the police have him now, so don't worry, all right? Mom ally and Cal okay?
Olive: Yep. Cal's making a pretty cool art project for school.
Cal: Popsicle stick Art the Dragon. ( Laughs )
Ben: Cool.
Olive: allys having screenTime
Here's Mom.
Grace: Hey. So what do you think? Is Griffin just like you and the other passengers?
Ben: He might be. He had a calling. Something about an explosion.
Grace: Where?
Ben: We don't know. They sedated him, so we have to wait for it to wear off.
Grace: okay
Ben: how's ally has she had another calling
Grace: she's ok still says she doesn't feel to great but she hasn't brung up any more water
Ben: that's good saanvi said she could check out ally if you want
Grace: that could be the best option at the moment what time?
Ben: any saanvi is free whenever I can take her in when I get home
Grace: Okay. Is there anything I can do?
Ben: Nothing yet. I'll be home soon.
I love you.
Grace: I love you, too.
Ben: Yeah?
Grace: I'm so glad we're a family again.
Ben: Me too.
(They get off call and grace walks over sitting down by ally putting the girl on her lap as she watches her other kids feeling finally complete she looks down at ally brushing hair out of the girls face asking her how she felt)
Grace: how are you feeling baby
Ally: my tummy hurts mama
Grace: it's ok baby saanvi is going to check you out in a wee bit then you should be a able to feel better soon
(Around an hour later Ben gets home he walks through the door ready for his youngest to run to him but he looks over to the couch to see the toddler sleeping)
Grace: hey honey
Ben: hey baby how are you
Grace: good
(They both look at there youngest)
Ben: she's not getting any better is she
Grace: I'm afraid not
Ben: I'll go take her now
Grace: let me you just got home
Ben: honestly I can gives me time to see if ally had a calling
(The couple kiss while Ben than walks over to his 2 year old picking her up holding her tightly in his arms he tries his best to not scare the girl)
Ben: hey baby it's daddy don't worry
(Alison hugs more into her father making their way outside to the car he puts her into her car seat than he gets into the drivers and starts to drive to the hospital they make it there and ben takes Alison to saanvi who greets them in her office)
Saanvi: hey guys
Ben: hey how are you going
Saanvi: I'm going good but we're not here talking about me we're talking about this little one so how is she today
Ben: grace told me Alison said her stomach hurts and her chest feels heavy
(Saanvi checks the girl making sure to check her ear way and chest)
Saanvi: I definitely think she should go for a mri so we can see if there is any liquid on her lungs and just go from there
(They make there way down to the mri ben places his daughter down and they leave it only takes a couple minutes once done they were able to go back to the office to see the results saanvi brings them up on her computer looking at them shocked)
Saanvi: oh my god Ben look at this it's like she's had a near drowning accident
Ben: that's impossible we haven't been swimming since Jamaica an even there she wasn't swimming
Saanvi: you can see the amount of liquid sitting there her vomiting is a way for her body to get rid of it she also has a lot of the symptoms like chest pain shortness in breath if we didn't check sooner she could have got pneumonia which is not great for her age I think to try and calm it down I'll give you guys some antibiotics and just chill at home being at the hospital will stress her out too much and make it worse give her one of the antibiotics when she wakes up and when she goes to bed if she begins to cough pus or something like that bring her in straight away
(Ben looks shocked at the news, he just received about his daughter he didn't know she was this bad and he couldn't stop him self from blaming Griffin who had came back making his baby turn like this)
Ben: thank you saanvi now you also need to make sure to look after yourself too
Saanvi: I am don't worry go take her home she's already dazing off
(Ben leaves off to go home once home he puts his daughter in her room than going and telling grace how she was grace felt the same way as Ben did she didn't want to believe her youngest was suffering because one man came back cal had over heard there conversation he didn't understand he thought the callings were meant to help not put its little sister almost on her death bed Ben tells mick and Zeke about ally and they both say they will come see her trying to be the best they can because what everybody couldn't see was Zeke had a soft spot for ally she reminded him so much of his sister so he just wanted to protect they young girl and ally was all for it well at the time she was maybe not right now)

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