Reentry last part

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Hey guys sorry this is a short chapter

Ben: Hey.
(Ben walks though the door and puts his two year old down)
Grace: How was your day?
Ben: Good.
Grace Hey, check it out... Every comfy t-shirt and cool LEGO set on the planet Earth. And for you Ally every stuffy and toy you would wish for my sweet angel
Cal: Thanks, Mom.
( Chuckling ) Whoa.
Grace: Is everything okay?
Cal: It's fine.
Ben: What's up, buddy?
Cal: I miss my stuff... My rock collection, Art the Dragon.
Ally: I miss cals stuff too
(Ben and olive chuckle at the small girl's comment olive grabs her baby sister and holds her in her lap)

Oh, Cal, listen... it's okay to be sad. I get sad sometimes, too.
Cal: I just want everything back the way it was.
Grace: Aw, sweetie, I know, I know.
Olive: Dad, can we take that ride now? After two years or so, the house was exactly the same. It was like this sad museum and the shrink said we needed to let go and Mom was a wreck and I...

Ben: Honey, if you weren't a wreck anymore after two years, I'd say that sounded pretty healthy.
Olive Wasn't it. I knew Cal wasn't dead.
Ben: You did?
Olive  I don't know if it was some kind of twin thing, but I could... I could feel him... alive I could also feel ally I don't know how It was like she was trying to tell me something through my dreams but it never made sense. And the therapist, the counselors at school, Mom, everyone blew it off, blew me off, but I knew.
Ben:Okay. Does this connect to why we're in a pretty gross-smelling storage facility on Long Island?

Olive: Mom listened to the shrink, okay? Sh-She packed all your ally's and Cal's stuff away in boxes, left on the curb for Salvation Army and then went to work. I called, and I cancelled the pickup.

Ben: Well, if you've had his stuff all this time, why didn't you say something?
Olive It's complicated. Mom doesn't know about any of this.
( Sighs ) ( Sighs )
Ben:Olive, whose locker is this? Olive. Olive: Friend of Mom's, all right?
Ben: "Friend."
Olive Dad.
Ben: Okay. Come here. Did the right thing.
—let's just say when cal got his stuff back the sorts his room and also sorts ally's room and also Ben tells grace about ally's growth and she's devastated this is where I'm going to end this episode as it's kinda boring-

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