Turbulence part 1

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CAL: You can only use three new letters.
Mick: Okay.
Grace: Cal. Bed.
Let's go.
Brush your teeth. I'll be right up.
Cal: Three letters... no cheating.
Mick: Okay, okay.
Ben: Goodnight, bud.
Cal: Goodnight.
REPORTER: A shocking new development tonight in the story of Flight 828.
Unconfirmed reports point to a murder investigation.
Ben: Mick
. In recent days, Taylor has been extremely candid, not only about her experience on Flight 828, but on her treatment by authorities since her return.
Grace: She was murdered?
Ben: She's been all over the news.
Grace: You think there's a connection? Mick: Let's not jump to conclusions.
I'm gonna go find out what's going on.
Grace Wait, are you saying she was killed because she went on TV?
Because all of you have been in the press, I know... I know. including Cal and Ally.
That woman ambushing them on the street.
Ben: We just need to keep Cal and ally close. We need to be careful.
Olive, come straight home from school tomorrow.
I don't know for sure what happened, but I'm beginning to think that they didn't tell us everything that was going on.
Cal: What are you doing?
OLIVE: Our little secret.

Ben: Saanvi, hey. You watching this?
Saanvi: You think we need to be worried?
Ben: I think we need to keep our heads down.
Saanvi: I'm gonna find out more.
Listen, I discovered something in Cal's blood.
It's a marker, a protein.
It wasn't there before the plane, and it wasn't produced by the cancer.
I've never seen it before. I don't know what it signifies.
Ben: Is it harmful?
Saanvi: It doesn't point to a tumor or any environmental toxins or a parasitic infection.
Ben: At the airport when we were detained, remember they gave us those vitamin boosters, electrolytes?
I mean, there could've been something in any of that.
Saanvi Yeah, I kept notes on everything.
I'll have to run some more tests, but I'll keep you posted. I'll also check if ally has the same mark as that could lead us towards an answer.
Ben: Okay.
Hey, if you see anything worrisome...
Saanvi: Yeah. Yeah, okay.
(Time skip to the morning)

Grace: Okay, so... we'll keep being careful, but we have to live our lives.
I have to get back to work.
I mean, our expenses just doubled.
BEN: I know, and I've got to get a job.
I'm on it.
Grace: Well, that's great.
Ben: I'll see what I can sniff out.
You don't... have to do this on your own, okay?
Not anymore.
(Mick walks in and walks over to her youngest niece)
Mick: hey allygator ready to have the best day with your favourite aunt
(Mick says while picking the young girl out of her high chair)
Ally- mhm
Grace: thank you for taking her for me
Mick: it's completely fine that means I get some quality time with my little allygator
(Mick tickles the young girl making the room full with giggles)
Grace: ok ally be good for your aunt mick please
Ally: okay mama
(Grace kisses her daughter on her forehead)
Ben: mick you guys be careful
Mick: we will
(Mick and ally walk out)
Grace: Hey, Calamander, want to see where I work?
Why don't I take him for the day, give you a chance to sniff?
Great. iPad, headphones, shoes, grab those spelling sheets.
Ben: Grace.
You also Just be careful.
(Skip to what everyone wants to read ally and mick)
Mick: ally honey what she'll we do now
(Mick askes as they walk through the front door of bens house coming back from the park)
Ally: play dolls
Mick: we can do that
By the looks of things no one is home so just the two of us you alright with that sweetheart)
(Mick says to the young girl while placing her onto the ground to let ally get her dolls ready to play with)
Ally: auntie Mickey I thirsty
Mick: I'll get you something to drink then we can play ok
Ally: ok
(Mick walks into the kitchen and grabs a glass from out of the cabinet she fills it with water but suddenly stops feeling a voice speak to her)
Micks voice: don't give
(Mick waits to think what the voice was and what it meant by don't give she pushes it away walking back to her niece not before getting another call
Micks voice: don't give
(Mick looks down at the now split water after dropping it from the unexpected voice)
Ally: auntie Mickey are u ok
Mick: yeah sweetheart at-least the cup didn't brake
(Mick picks up the cup and walks to the sink to put the cup)
Ally: no your not ok
(Mick turns her head to the young who's playing with her dolls on the floor)
Ally: I know you not
Mick: ally hunny what do you mean
(Mick walks over to her niece and knees to her level)
Ally: auntie Mickey you said I could talk to bout anything right
Mick: yes I did sweetheart
Ally: well ever since I had the weird thing with daddy I've been able to see how people really feel and I don't like it.
Mick: Ally sweetheart can you explain to me what you mean
Ally: like before you dropped the cup because you were scared of the voice in your head
(Mick looks at her 2 year old niece wondering how the young girl knew about anything about what she had been saying how she knew she was getting the calling she was also worried now knowing this new information who does she tell or who else has ally had to feel be worried or scared)
Mick: ally- I- are you ok sweetheart
Ally: yes auntie Mickey
Mick: sweetheart I'm so sorry you have to go through this
(She picks up the girl and places her on her lap hugging the young girl)
Ally: it's ok I have you and daddy and mommy and cal and olive
(Mick smiles at the young's girl comment)
-let's just say mick tells Ben later on but you know that would be kinda boring to read I feel-
Ally: can we play nowwww
Mick: yes we can
(There's then a knock on the door mick opens the door to find Jared)
Mick: Jared what are you doing here
Jared: I was looking for you and by the look of it I found the right place
(He laughs at his own comment)
Mick: Jared I don't understand why you would come here
Jared: listen mick I still love you I really I do
Mick: Jared this isn't exactly the right time I'm watching m-
Ally: uncle jerry
(The young girl runs up to Jared happy to see him)
Jared: Ally belly
(Jared picks up the young girl while mick let's in Jared)
Jared: Someone's at least happy to see me
Ally: uncle jerry why weren't you there to see auntie Mickey at the airport
(Jared looks at the young girl who's now in his arms)
Jared: I'm sorry ally Belly I was just a little busy I wasn't able to come
(Mick looks at the two and smiles)
Mick: ok ally sweetheart how about you go play with some toys and then we can go out and get some ice cream
Jared: why don't I take you guys you know my apologies for not coming
Ally: I like that idea auntie Mickey
(The young girl says while reaching out to her aunt to be held mick takes the girl from within Jared's arms and cringes at the idea but agrees anyway)
Mick: ok anything for you my darling

-disclaimer ik neither do cal or olive call him uncle but I feel like ally would as she is two so most likely mick and Jared have always been together so him being her uncle is all she's known-

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