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Ben: Can you excuse me a sec?
Grace Yeah.
Ben: All right, thanks. Let me know when you find out where they took him. ( Cellphone beeps )
Grace: I don't understand. Why is Michaela trying to track down someone from the plane? What does that have to do with Cal? Ben? What are you not telling me?
( Scoffs )
Ben: I don't know if I can explain. I don't think you would believe me if I could. I know I wouldn't.
Grace: Have you not been following the news story about the dead people who came back to life on a magic airplane? I'm ready to believe just about anything at this point.
( Monitor beeping )
Ben: Grace... ♪ ♪ ...something happened to us on that flight. It keeps happening. Some people are... seeing things, hearing voices. Grace: Ben, are you hearing voices?
Ben: You just said you were ready to believe anything.
Grace: I am. I'm just... I don't know. I'm... I'm trying to wrap my head around this.
Ben: Me too. And I know this sounds impossible, but Cal's fever, I think it has something to do with what happened on the plane. Please don't shut down now. Tell me what you're thinking. ♪ ♪
Grace: The last time Cal got sick, you went down a rabbit hole looking for every remedy, shutting out the world, shutting out me, and so I spiraled and shut you out. I have replayed that again and again in my head over all these years. I want us to be different this time. I need us to be partners.
Ben: We are. I promise. But we need to know what happened on that flight, who's behind it. Is it the government or one of the other passengers, some, I don't know, fluke of physics.
Ben: We need to find out...
grace: No! We don't. This is the biggest mystery in the known universe. There are other people trying to figure it out. Let them. Ben: Grace, I need...
grace: Ben... our son is sick. He doesn't need you to be a scientist right now. He needs you to be his father. I need you to be his father.
(Ben bites his tongue stopping himself from telling his wife about allys callings as well as his own to ensure that he will be better)
(Cut to cal)
Grace: Cal?
Cal: Make it stop, please!
Grace: Shh, shh, I'm here, I'm here, I'm here. ( Speaks Bulgarian )
Grace: Please, he's having nightmares.
Doctor: His body's doing everything it can to cope, but it's too much. We've got to get his temperature down.
Cal: Make it stop, please! You're okay, you're okay.

Woman: And stop.
( Monitor beeping ) ( Grunts )
And now. ( Electricity crackling ) ( Grunting ) And stop. ( Crackling stops )
Woman: He's responding differently than the others.
Man: Might have something to do with his fever. Try it on a higher setting.
( Electricity crackles )
Cal: Make it stop! ( Monitor beeping rapidly )
-to incorporate ally and cal having similar callings I'm going to make her have some symptoms as well but not as bad-
(Ben saanvi and ally were getting a coffee and something to eat ally was standing by her father holding his hand)
Ally: dada my head hurts
(Ben looks at ally worried)
Ben: honey what do you mean it hurts
Ally: I don't know daddy it just really hurts
(The girl drops to the floor holding her head)
Ally: make it stop
(Ben picks up the young girl comforting her)
Saanvi: come down here there's a spare room I can use
(Ben lays the small child down as she holds her head)
Ally: make it stop
Ben: it's ok honey
(Saanvi checks the young girl to fine she has the same results as cal)
Saanvi: she's exactly like cal but less worse she doesn't seem to have a fever
Ben: how that's impossible
Could-could they be having the same problem to do with the plane
Saanvi: could be right now I'll give her some antibiotics and see how it goes from there
Ally: red door daddy the red door
(Ally mumbles the same Bulgarian as cal)
Ben: that's got to be something
I have to tell grace
(Ally is then moved into a room that is close to cal so both parents can look after there children)
Grace: what happened
(Grace runs out of cals room of the sight of her 2 year old in a hospital bed)
Ben: grace she- she's having the same episode as cal
Grace: oh my god
(Grace covers her mouth with one hand)
Ben: she doesn't has it as bad though
(Ben pulls grace into a hug as they look at there two youngest children lying in hospital beds)
Doctor: she should be fine in a couple hours she's a lot more stable than cal so there is a possibility she will pull through quicker than cal
Grace: that's great so she's going to be alright
(Ben and grace both embrace happy to hear the news)
-let's just say grace and Ben just finished talking to the doctor about cal-
(Ally wakes up to an empty room she looks around searching for anyone but there's no one)
Ally: mommy daddy
(The young girl quietly says hoping for her parents to response but there was nothing)
(They young girl hangs her legs over the side of the bed and turns onto her stomach to help her get down the young girl reaches the ground but falls to her knees as she feels like jelly ally waits a minute before getting back up)
Ally: auntie Mickey
(The young girl calls out again but still nothing)
(She walks out of her room and peaks her head around the corner to see her brother laying in the hospital bed while her mother is on the chair in the corner sleeping while ben has is head in his hands)
Ally: dada
(Bens head shots up)
Ben: Alison
(Ben walks over to ally and picks up the young girl embracing her)
Ben: your ok daddy's got you
Ally: dada no one in my room
Ben: I know honey we were dealing with cal I'm sorry
(A tear leaves bens eyes as he holds his youngest tight happy to see she's ok)
Ben: does your head still her sweetheart
Ally: no dada but I have red door stuck in my head did you tell auntie mick
Ben: yes honey I did tell her what you said it's ok now I promise I won't let anyone or anything hurt you
Ally: I love you dada
Ben: I love you too sweetheart
(Grace wakes up to all the talking and sees Ben holding ally)
Grace: oh my god ally
(Grace runs over to the two and takes ally from bens arms)
Grace: oh my baby my sweet baby I'm so glad your ok
Ally: I love you mama
Grace: I love you too baby
(Grace holds ally tightly as Ben pulls grace in and they look at cal worried on what's still to come)
(Cal starts to get better)

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