Chp. 13 My beautiful body??

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Staring around at all the girls paired with guys, I begin to make my way back through the loads of people when a hand latches onto my shoulder.

"Are you here for modeling?" The women who had a firm grip on my shoulder asked.

"N-n-no, I just....came to stop by?" I lied, but it came out as more of a question.

"Are you sure? You have the perfect body size and shape. You would be a beautiful model." She explains, walking around me and taking a good look. Watching her eye me like a hawk she finally says:

"Forget what I said earlier.....DAVE WE'VE GOT A GOOD ONE!!!! GRAB HER A WHITE SUNDRESS AND A PAIR OF WEDGES!!!" Standing there in shock, she grabs my wrist and pulls me into a dressing room.

"Okay....." She says, taking my hair in her hands and looking it over for quite a long time.

"This is maddening. This....this color looks horrid on you. You couldn't have possibly been born with this, am I correct?" She asks, walking over to a pantry.

"Yeah, I got it died a little bit ago....." I trailed off. Was it that obvious?

"Well, we're gonna die it back." She explains, tapping her acrylic nails on the cardboard box. Eyeing the box, I saw it was hair die.

"We're doing this now?" I asked, chuckling nervously.

"No need to be nervous, I have several degrees in hair styling." She assures, throwing my hair under the faucet to begin the long process.


One head of hair died and two trips to the dressing room later, I was a beach model with a full head of brown hair. Stepping out onto the backdrop, the camera man gives me directions.

"Alright, what I want you to do is sit down down on the sand with your head down and a hand in your hair. Easy enough?"

Nodding, I sat down in the rough sand, positioned myself, and looked sadly down at the tiny grains.

"Beautiful!" He called out, giving me another set of directions. After about 30-40 shots were taken, I was rushed back into the dressing room to change out of my clothes and to get a good nights sleep for a meeting with my new management tomorrow. Stripping out of my beach clothes, I slipped on my own and overheard my dressers conversation.

"Yeah, we're putting her on the front cover."

"But she's a rookie!!! You can't possibly!!! I've been industry for three years!!"

"Exactly, your old and plain. She's new and exciting!!!"

"Fine, I'll just go find another modeling company!!!!"

"Good luck with that honey!!!"

Sighing deeply, I pushed open the dressing room door, and was greeted by numerous death glares. Shyly smiling back at them, I started my way to Zayn's house....wonder what he'll think?


Opening the door, I saw all five boys seated on the couches, no sight of any of their girlfriends......this can't possibly be good...

"Hello Jennette. Sit. Please." Zayn said in a sophisticated tone.

Not good.

"Soooooo.....y'all heard about my modeling career?" I changed topics.

"Yeah, ya see, I have a meeting with my management tomorrow, so I kinda have to get some sleep....It's been nice talking to ya though!!" I say, attempting to run up the stairs until I feel two strong arms wrap around my waist.

"Nice try Payne. Not gonna happen." Harry say.

Sighing in discontent, Harry lets go of me, and I take a seat next to Zayn on the couch.

"Yes One Direction? Cause I have a feeling the only direction this conversationing is going is down..." I trailed off, holding my head up with one hand.

"Look Jennette....your career may have just started...." Niall starts.

Then Louis continues: "But we have a career also..."

"And your not old enough to stay here alone, so your coming with us." Zayn finished.

"But y'all realize that if I don't take this opportunity that I might NEVER have a career....I'm might be sitting at a Seven Eleven smoking weed..." I cried, furiously wiping at my tears. Standing up, Zayn pulled me back down onto the couch, and continued.

"Well...that's just a price that having a famous brother comes with." He says with care in his voice, but I took it as the opposite.


"This just isn't about you anymore." I whispered, standing up and making my way to my bedroom.

Why can't they understand???

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