0 | A Description

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(Ok, before I start just know that this is a bit of an issue with me, I personally enjoy powers that scare their user to the point that they don't want to use them. Also, I will be proofreading this to prevent any spelling errors, I tend to type a bit fast.)

Designation 0 is a modified model of Disassembly Drone. It does not have the standard weaponry that a Disassembly Drone has (minus the tail + wings, he still got those.), and instead acts as a sort of assistant to the Disassembly Drones on Copper-9. He was sent with J, V, and N, and had a set timer before his activation, set exactly 1 hour after the others. He can not drain oil from his snacks (or victims if you want to look at it that way) conventionally. He instead uses his tail to do so. (His tail doesn't have Nanites, it instead acts as a siphon to consume oil, he weird.) His tail also acts as a sort of access port into many different systems. His tail is not always out, as it can be completely recalled. I apologize for any confusion that brought, now, to the WING DESCRIPTION.

0's Wings are essentially the same as a Disassembly Drone's wings, with the main difference being their viability in combat. His wings are composed of a mesh-like structure, with the backing of the wings (The part that holds the Blades for Disassembly Drone's) being the only similarity. Otherwise, they are more of a cloak-like wing structure.

Based on the information up there, you probably can pick up that he can't effectively hunt like the others. Instead, he depends on his squad-mates. In return, he goes and gets info on where potential targets for future hunts might be. This has led to J, V, and N catching quite a few Drones in areas they wouldn't normally search. While they're out hunting, he usually stays by the pod, hoping that any of the sensors in the area might detect a Worker. He's not fond of watching the death as it happens, however, so his squad mates do need to kill drones before giving them to him. This has gained him the "Softie" term from J and V. N is the only one who's actually seen him kill a Worker, and that was when N was spying on him at the request of J. The Worker was walking back to it's colony when it got jumped by 0, you see. The Worker shouted in fear, and 0, being on his first 'solo' outing, stabbed the Worker's visor with his tail. 0 Doesn't speak of the event, and N doesn't say anything about it either, knowing how 0 would react if he did so.

0 has one major difference in body shape compared to his counterparts. As he does not have any weapons built in to his arms, he has no use of the cone shape, and instead has a slimmer design.

0's attire is as follows:

(It looks to be available on Amazon, for whoever wants it

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(It looks to be available on Amazon, for whoever wants it.)
No pants, true to Liam Vickers' choice to not let the drones wear pants. ('sides, the legs work with it aight?)

A constant zero as his right eye (Only vanishes when sleeping, in which the other eye is visible.)

As for his left, well, that ones normal, and it, along with the zero, is a pure purple color

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As for his left, well, that ones normal, and it, along with the zero, is a pure purple color.

Now, for the fun stuff.

0 Does not have the Absolute Solver, instead, he has a different program, developed specifically for this drone types use. There is no symbol for the program, however, It does act similar to Absolute Solver. (In the means of Telekinesis and manipulation of matter.) This program allows access to a database of sorts, in the form of holographic screens in front of the user. These screens can be moved and interacted with by it's wielder, and can be seen by others. The screens are the same as the eyes in color.

Anyways, now that the description is done, I can say that where we are starting in this story is right as N gets shot by Uzi's 'Railgun' so yeah.

Alright time to yeet this thing into the whirlwind of other things and hope it gets attention WOO-

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