0 | Flawed Solution

754 19 7

(This chapter introduces Doll, and 0 did a diagnostic.)

[Emergency Wakeup Initiated.]
[|||         ]
[|||||      ]

[Running System Diagnostics]

[All Systems Nominal. Welcome back, 0]

I opened my eyes to find myself covered by a sheet. Great, whoever took me either doesn't want to see me, or doesn't want others to see me. I hear the faint noises of a conversation, but can't make too much out. I wasn't bound to anything, so I could move if I wanted to, but my systems were running a little hot. If I wasn't careful, I might force an overheat, and I don't want that. I elected to wait until I heard the lights get turned on. Guess whoever was here prior left. The sheet was then removed, revealing two red eyes staring at me.

[Translator active. Transcript recorded in English for easier encoding.]

?: "Hello?"

0: "Hi."

? took a step backwards towards the kitchen area. Could they tell that I was running hotter than normal? The question was answered when the drone, now identifiable as a she, returned with a cup of... Oil. She gestured for me to take it, so I did. I switched my tail from it's neutral state into a siphon, and began to consume it.

?: "Is that how your model consumes oil?"

I nod. It's still rude to speak while consuming something, even if your doing it with your tail. Why did they design me like that? Maybe to keep my sensors from getting oil on them while working? I don't recall the specific reason.

?: "You don't seem to have any weapons on you."

By now I had emptied the cup, so I put my tail back into it's default position, and handed the cup back to the worker.

0: "I wasn't designed with much in terms of weaponry. Most of it is tail configurations. Besides, I'm not exactly fond of killing."

?: "Isn't that what you were designed to do though?"

0: "I was designed for recon and intel acquisition, not direct combat."

?: "I see. You don't like killing, and as such were given a task suited to your personality?"

0: "Not that I can remember much of who I was prior to the body-swap."

?: "Body swap?"

0: "They didn't exactly want to make new cores for the disassembly models, so they swapped old drone cores in and wiped most of their memories clean. My guess is that they were cutting costs."

?: "Seems likely. I've been meaning to ask, what's with the 0 in place of your eye?"

0: "Surprisingly, you are the first one to question that. I don't know. Ease of identification? They never really explained the design choice."

?: "Huh. Do you have a name that you go by?"

0: "I was about to ask you if you had a name. 0."

?: "Doll."

0: "Nice."

I sat there as Doll inspected me for a bit, trying to determine what the heck I could do I guess? She then went over to the other sheet. I think I can tell what's underneath.

0: "They're dead, aren't they?"

Before Doll removed the sheet, she nodded. It revealed two dead workers, both with bullet holes in their visors. I walked over and looked at the dead duo.

0: "I can't say I'm all that sorry, seeing as I know for a fact that I didn't kill these two."

Doll gave me a grumpy look, if you could call it grumpy, before covering them back up with the sheet. I noticed quite a few of the bugs around. Doll seemed to ignore their presence, and I'm not exactly going to move my foot for an insect.

0: "I guess I'm not exactly allowed to leave with what I've learned?"

Doll: "You can send data remotely, I'd have no way of stopping you other than making you shut down again.

0: "Fair. So... how do I leave after this?"

Doll: "You can just stay here. You're not hostile, and I've got plenty of oil to keep you from burning up."

0: "Well, if that's what's happening. If I may ask, what's that symbol that keeps showing up on your eye from time to time."

Doll: "Something called 'Absolute Solver'. I don't want to get too much into detail on it's functions."

0: "I have gained new knowledge on this. So that symbol is tied to Absolute Solver, and so is the software that I use for my screens and leisure. Those are not listed in the very limited information on Absolute Solver that I have compiled in my database. Perhaps the modifications were only adding or modifying part of the software?"

Doll looked at me with a confused expression, before I pulled up the screen with all of the information I had on this program and My own. She skimmed through the information, before asking me this:

Doll: "Have you never experimented with this software outside of the screens?"

0: "Had no reason to. The screens were all I ever really needed from it."

Doll: "Huh. Well, I've got things I need to do, and I don't want people finding you, as you are at a glance a Murder Drone."

I nodded, before going back to my spot and pulling the sheet up around myself as best I could.

0: "This work?"

Doll (Muffled due to sheet, how is this thing so soundproof?): "Yes. Now please, sleep a little bit, don't want your eyes to expose your position behind the sheet."

0: "I'll try."

[Translation End.]

[Entering Sleep Mode]


Ok, so before this chapter ends, I would like to state that this will be getting less frequent updates, maybe once a month? I don't know. I have a few Ideas I want to experiment with, and I don't want to implement them here unless I'm happy with the result. I'll be making an Idea booklet of sorts if you ever want to keep up with my Ideas and stuff. Bye for now!

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