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Vents, vents vents vents. So many vents. My mapping of this place has expanded quite a bit. I let the others go ahead without me, as my mapping would take some time. I found a few neat rooms, such as a cryosleep chamber, ruined by what seems to be an explosion, shame. I also found some storage rooms with some oil for the workers should they ever get injured and need more oil. Damn, I wonder if they'll allow us to take from this supply some time? Focus! I heard what I thought to be gunshots echoing through the vents, so I quickly decided to go over and try and mediate the conflict before it got any worse. I got there to see a lot of corpses and Doll standing right underneath my position. She was apparently fighting Uzi, N and V. Do I even want to watch? Eh... I can try to at least. Then, she rips the fan that I was on out of the vent. It was the easiest spot to record the fight, ok? It starts spinning and I'm flung right off of it and into a wall. As I'm getting back to my senses, I see the fan blades be sent right towards the others. I close my optics, and open after the noise of the impact is gone. Uzi is on the ground, safely at least. The other two look pretty banged up. Doll has spotted me, but isn't trying to kill me. I guess she doesn't want me in the fight. Can't blame her for that, I wouldn't want me in the fight either. So I simply watch as the fight continues. Why, I'm not so sure, but I just can't bring myself to stop watching. Uzi catches a knife, that Doll threw with the solver, cause of course she did, and proceeds to deflect another knife, landing near my feet, almost hitting me. I watch as Uzi and Doll have a knife fight, with it even changing the ambient music mid way. Doll locked Uzi under two poles, appearing to be made out of microphone stands. Odd choice but ok, N intercepts some more knives, and then does a quick tactical dance. Yes, it's tactical because it leads into an attack, you see. Uzi catches a knife, and N fires a missile as Uzi throws said knife. Doll is flung backwards. N and Uzi have a moment, seriously, they look as though they could get engaged with the romantics that just occurred, but then Doll throws a table. I decide to intercept said table with my own power, cause no table fighting allowed now. The table quickly stops and is pulled apart into its base pieces, ready to be rebuilt. This puts the fight on pause, before Doll takes the easy route and my screen fills with red.

I wake up to Uzi slapping me across the face.

Uzi: Wake up!

0: Still not going to get used to that, what'd I miss...

I see Doll's presumably dead body on the ground.

0: I see now.

Uzi: I got her key so we can head to her home, come I know the way.

0: I also know the path, let's move.

I take another look where Doll's corpse should be, only to see it missing. I'd mention it if it weren't for the fact that I was getting dragged along by an angry grape with a dress on. But we arrive at Doll's door and Uzi opens it. As the lights get turned on, we see why Doll had all that oil at the ready.

Uzi: Uh oh...
N just gasps at the scene.
0: So that's where the oil was coming from.

Uzi: What?

0: Doll held me here for a day when we came to investigate those disappearances. I was wondering why she had oil, but she explained that she needed it for the solver. I didn't bother to ask why she had so much.

We dispersed around the house, Uzi taking the kitchen, N taking the living room, V acting like she's in a militarized zone, and I'm headed towards the bathroom. I'm inspecting the damned mirrors. Or I would be, had I not been pulled back to the other room by the sound of a bullet. God damnit. I'm not even bothering to record the sound for future documentation I'm just sick of this. As I see Doll I grab her. Seconds later she blips out of my grasp. Great, she's a teleporter now. Uzi says something about hating it here, and I just want to go back to the spire and sleep. I've had too much action for one day. And that's with the fact that I did nothing.

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