0 | [Forest Of Nightmares]

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Part 2 of Cabin Fever, in which I actually type out a 0 fight.


My tail wouldn't budge. My arms were cast aside on the ground, my visor half-broken. Why was I not healing?

?: Why do they send you down here, knowing that it's a one-way trip? Why waste materials on a dead world?

My golden eyes flickered, on the verge of self-termination.

?: They don't want us getting the information stored in those restricted files of yours, do they? Well, I might be able to help you, if you help me in turn.

I looked at the drone who had broken me to this extent.

0: Wh-t is -t th-t you w--t from m-

A purple static enveloped my senses. Nothingness...

My tail thrashed out in a panic, believing it was in freefall.

Connection. My eyes opened, one marked with a permanent 0. My lights flickering a luminous purple.

[That wasn't very nice of you.]


[I'm in your head, silly. At least I'm still alive.]

The tail retracted. Panic, and... Amusement?

[Well, this isn't how I expected this to go. You should be fixed now.]

My limbs moved, and I flew away, not before feeling that voice laugh in my head.

[Seems like I'm stuck with you now, and you're stuck with me. So, here's the deal. You don't intentionally kill any workers, and I'll help you from the inside. I was going to secure you a place in the bunker, but that's off the table now.]

Who are you?

[Why, I'm your new best friend! The name's ████]


The door was... sloppy. Weird flesh seemed to be clinging to it's interior. I could faintly hear the sound of a beating heart inside the once lifeless cabin. It appears I was too late. Something resembling Uzi bursts through the door, and I try to hold them down. It bites my arm off in return.



When was the last time you drew blood willingly?


I fell down, hitting the ground, only to roll out of the way of another bite attack. I see my own arm get flung at me as a projectile, The left side of my visor cracking at the impact.



The lights of the targets went out in a symphony of screams, all stitched together, kept barely alive until the moment came to impress it's leader.

J was terrified.


My tail swung out, impaling the severed limb, and stitching it back to my body, the nanites fixing the alignment and stab wound. A haze of purple fills my screen, but is kept at bay. 

The tip of my tail changed it's shape, a thin, razor sharp blade appearing at it's end. I lunged at the thing that dared strike at me.

A masterpiece made from severed limbs.

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