0 | Garden of Memories

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Part 1 of Cabin Fever, Luckily, nobody's getting sick... hopefully. Also, we split off from cannon in this chapter.


The Spire held well in the harsh winds. It wasn't my idea to make it a spire, I wanted to make it less visible, but hey, team leader put their foot down. They've started to get mad at me on my aggression levels, saying that I'm not pulling my weight. As if they'd know where to strike without me. They had to resort to our ship's spare oil to keep from overheating two days ago. I sent them some coordinates for a hideout. We're feasting tonight.


I jolted up out of the bed, seems that today's the day for that trip. I still don't like the idea of us being camp counselors, but what can I say when an angry grape and N are against me? At least I don't have to wear the outfit. Well, enough waiting around. I'm heading over there early, gonna scope the place out, see what's going on. Good thing about being a disassembly model, I can leave whenever the hell I want. I fly towards the camp. The Camp name [98.7] sounds more like a radio frequency than an actual name... Why would humanity name a camp this? Well, I guess that's what I'm heading here to find out.


Landing on the Ice lake, I can see multiple different structures, of which I start to sift through. It's fairly easy to get into these places.

What are you hiding..?


Hunger. A thin tail piercing through the visor of a screaming worker. Death.

Solver. A deep purple opening his eyes.



I'm sorry, the freedom you granted me shall not be wasted again.


Static. The screens showed static. A tape, something referencing undead drones? Upon contact, I-


The screams were recorded for consistency. If they haven't screamed, they weren't dead.

The Oil was measured for a minimum amount. If we miss this, we will need more tomorrow.

The corpses were melded together to protect from this system's star. We would not survive the light.

The cores were scanned for records. So many human reactions, and yet nothing pointed to the catastrophe that lead to Copper-9's destruction.

J was displeased.


- saw nothing. [You know what you saw.] I continued my search. I saw the others outside. How long had I been in here? I left the tape behind, and flew off to continue my search for information Uzi could use.

[I'll trim the irrelevant data for you.] 

Stop interrupting my logs.

[Your Purple Friend is unstable.]

What can I do about that? She probably got set off by V.

[Her temperature is running high.]

How much time do I have to get to her and administer the solution?

[Not enough. She'll kill before we get to her.]

... You think you can suppress her remotely?

[No. We'd need to get up close, and she's not going to be like me. She WILL try to kill you.]

So you're telling me to just let N and V handle it?

[Yes. Someone needs to watch the workers in the meantime. Try and keep them safe if you must.]

... Thanks for the advice.

New plan, watch over the workers while N and V handle Uzi's imminent breakdown. Hopefully it isn't as bad as hers was.


?: You know, I'm curious. Why do you kill so... painlessly?

0: Data preservation. It's kind of difficult to retrieve data from a core that's split into pieces, 3.

3: Don't make me laugh. We all know you can't stand the screaming.


It would be so easy.

They are defenseless. Even with me around, all my squad would need to do is swap to their guns and start blasting.

I know N has changed... But V? Why is she still cooperative? Is it N? N beat her in a solo fight, so I guess that's the case...

[It's time.]

She's flipping out?

[Cabin. I'll guide you. Make sure nobody enters it.]


So, this is a chapter. I split it into two different segments, Italics and standard. Italics are memories, while standard is, well, present. You might be wondering about the secondary voice, and how it's only just appearing. I've got news, that voice is very much an important character, and they are one of the one's 0 expressly killed.

And yes, they are the reason behind 0's purple eyes.


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