Happy Sweet Sixteen, Jerk/The Worst Betrayal Since Jordyn and Kylie

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(Okay as I have been writing this story my laptop has been deleting parts but I would just fix them but this time it deleted this whole chapter so I skipped the last one and started this one and it deleted a lot of it so it won't but that good but I tried my best. And I am also going to be skipping some other episodes and I will go back and do them once my laptop stops being stupid.)

The last two days as been crazy Alex tried her best not to be home she would either be working or at Rowan's or Hazels when she wasn't at school not wanting to hear her mom and Ginny fight about her aunt or the fact that Austin had stab a kid in the hand yesterday and Georgia didn't want to put him in therapy.

And she also didn't want to be home when Maddie, knowing that she probably wanted something from them and she was right her mom found out that Maddie was there to spy on them for an investigator that Kenny's wife sent.

Alex was home now and today was her 16th birthday and she couldn't be more happy. Today wasn't going to be that asiting but tomorrow her and Hazel were going camping with her family. Tomorrow for a couple of days they were taking all the homework they needed with them and they had As in every class so they would be good.

She got ready and did her makeup before walking downstairs and seeing her mom decorating two cakes one pink and one blue she knew the blue one was for her.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you Alex happy birthday to you." Georgia sang as she pushed the blue cake in front of Alex and she blew out the candles before cutting a piece out and started eating.

"Thank you so much mom." Alex said as she hugged her mom before finishing her cake and putting the plate away.

"Why do you leave so quickly in the morning?" Georgia asked Alex, making her shrug a little.

"Because Ginny is most crabby in the morning so if I don't see her she can't ruin my day." Alex tells Georgia who frowns but that turns into a grin quickly making Alex feel creeped out.

"What?" Alex asked Georgia who leans closer to her daughter.

"Your pestend from your dad is outside." Georgia tells Alex who looks at her mom confused as she starts walking to the front door.

"Why didn't you just bring it inside." Alex asks as she opens the door and right in front of their house is a blue jeep with a white bow on it.

"I don't think I could fit it through the door." Georgia tells Alex who practically has to pick her jaw off the floor before walking outside.

"Omg he got me a car!?" Alex asked Georgia who nodded with a smile as Alex stopped herself from crying as she took out her phone.

Thank you so much. I love it!
But you didn't have to get me a car. I would have been okay with a new book.

"But I don't have my license." Alex tells Georgia who gives her a smirk.

"Now that's my present to you I am taking you to get it before I go to work today and if you pass I will give you the keys." She tells Alex who nods before giving her mom a hug then her jeep right when Ginny walks out with straight hair.

"Alex got a car?" Ginny asked, jealousy clear in her voice as Alex and Georgia turned to her.

"I got it from my dad." Alex tells Ginny who crosses her arms before turning to Georgia.

"We are sharing it right?" Ginny asked Georgia who shakes her head making Ginny glare at them both before storming back into the house.

"I'll go deal with her, you go talk to your boyfriend who is coming our way." Georgia told Alex before turning and walking into the house and Alex turned to see Rowan coming over with a box in his hands as he smiled at her.

"You didn't have to get me anything." Alex tells him, making him shake his head.

"Of course I did but I don't think I can bete that." He tells her as he looks over at her new car making her laugh a little.

She grabbed the box then opened it, seeing two concert tickets to Lana Del Rey making her jump up and down before hugging him.

"I was thinking you and your mom can go." Rowan tells her before she kisses him hard.

"God, you are the best boyfriend in the world." She tells him before giving him another kiss.

"I can't believe you and Hazel are leaving me all alone." He tells her, making her smile a little before giving him a kiss on the check. "Okay I got to head to school I love you."

"I love you too." She tells him before going to her room and packing making sure she had everything she needed or would need.


Her mom took her to take her test and she passed and Georgia had made sure she would get her license before they left so everything was going well.

And later that night she ended up eating dinner before the others and getting up at like four am and packed all her stuff in her car before heading to Hazel's house.

When she got there she honked her horn outside her house she saw Hazel's mom and dad packing up their car when Hazel came out looking at Alex.

"You're riding with me right?" Alex called out making Hazel smile as she ran to her car getting in with a smile.


(A couple of day later)

Alex was sitting in the cabin they were staying in when her phone started ringing she picked it up seeing it was her mom.

"Hey mom, what's up?" Alex asked as she got up looking out the window.

"Ginny and Austin ran away!" Georgia asked over the phone, making Alex's eyes go wide.



I know this sucked and I am sorry and I am also going to try my best if I do season 2.

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