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Run quickly on the streets in town. Filled with frustration throughout Seonghwa with worry about Y/N. He got lied to of all things. His mistress was in danger if he couldn't find her. "Where could she be?" That's when it stopped him in the middle of the streets of town.

Familiar pointed tents within the distance. Seonghwa's eyes shaken in fear that he's dreading of having to step back in the past. Which he headed there feeling uneasy when he took a breath. "If this is where she is, I'll face them."

Taking each step closer to the main entrance, the smell of sweets, children running around with their families filled the area. Old memories filled his mind as people passing by with excitement as he was feeling the opposite.

Terrible fear.

Seonghwa wanted to runaway but this was for Y/N. "Take a deep breath, don't get spotted by them and grab my mistress out of here." entering the circus, sneaking passed the crowds to find himself where the trailers and a path of where everything was filled with big dreams he used to have. That was over though.

Returning here was dangerous and Seonghwa knew that. His duty was to protect Y/N and to never come to this horror show ever again. Never wanting to meet his circus family that had filled the butler with doubts and controlled to doing the same acts over and over again.

An eerie sensation filled the blonde hair man into defense mode of his surroundings. Slowing down his pace on the crunch of the brown leaves. Becoming quiet with the chill in the air. Listening to the other person hiding in plain sight. "I know why you're here." A voiced echoed around him. Seonghwa checked behind him for a slight moment. Caught off guard of a playing card darted at him on the cheek, creating a line of a scratch.

Seonghwa touched his face with his fingers and eyed the blood and picked up the card when he crouched down. Standing back up seeing the image on it, "The joker. So, they know I'm here." this was bad. They found him right away knowing this will lead to a bigger problem now with finding his mistress.

Being distracted by these things, everything became dark when being pulled to ground of the grass. The touch of the silk cloth covering his eyes. Glasses fallen off and crushed and shattered. Hearing one of the members made Seonghwa shake in fear. "Welcome back to the family. We've been waiting for your return."

Seonghwa knew who that was when his hands were stuck in silver rings on his wrists being connected together. "Please, don't hurt Y/N. I have to save her." his breathing being uneasy as he was put to submission by one of his circus members being Yunho, part of the clown duo with other tall one.

"Don't worry, Hongjoong won't hurt her." Yunho spoke with a tame sense of joy bringing their traitor back.

Hearing that name gave Seonghwa upmost terrible shakes in his bones. Being dragged into his own fears that would become his nightmare. Voice shaken up by his own thoughts when faintly speaking, "Y/N, I'll save you."

The sounds of cheers from the tents he heard. That Y/N only had little time to have fun. Before everything will break and chase after her because of him.

Y/N didn't know what was going on outside as she was mesmerized by the handsome man with dimples, with his Bengal tiger. Seeing how the tiger obeyed every trick of hoop jumping, balancing on its hind legs, and earning head scratches.

All she could do was follow along and clapped for the act as both the man and tiger bowed.

The spot lights aimed up at the tall platforms with two people in tight clothing being leotards. Sparkling of one wearing black and the other white. Matching silver highlighted details.

One jumped off the platform while holding onto the bar with his ankles. Signaling the other to jump and caught him. Giving an intense performance in the air. Both acrobatics had faith within each other when they twirled in air and grabbed the other bar while the other followed. At the same time twirling into somersaulted, switching from each other's bars.

Butler: Circus ActWhere stories live. Discover now