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Your name: y/n.
Your age:17.
Your hair:whatever hair style you want.
Your eyes :also whatever you want.
Your sex: female.

You were walking back from a long day of training. You weren't paying any attention to what was in front of you and you seemed to bump in to something or someone "was zum teufel"(what the fuck).

"Oh...sorry i" you looked up at the man that was standing in front of you and woah he was tall like really tall maybe near 6,9 6,10

He was kinda cute not going to lie...

"Sorry i didn't mean to I wasn't paying any attention to what was in front of me"you said "Oh no it's all good". He said with a smile on his face.

"OK then we'll I'll see you later"he says.

"Oh OK bye"

Was I forming a little crush on him,no I can't be I like someone else or maybe


Me,ghost,price,soap,and the guy I bumped in to that day we are all sitting at a table. Ghost was talking to soap, discussing something I couldn't hear, but nothing serious it was probably about a new mission price was busy stuffing his face with food and the guy I bumped in to was sitting right next to me.

I think his name is könig or kilgore I don't know what he wants me to call him I think könig. I don't know if that means something I'll have to ask .

"He's kinda scary tho"


könig x reader FemWhere stories live. Discover now