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Now, here I am. Me,ghost,soap,könig. Standing in the isolated part of the wood. Just standing there fucking around .

"LT!.weren't we supposed to meet up with price in like....five minutes ago?"

"Ugh....Fuck, mate" ghost shook his head before ushering soap to follow him "time to head out see ya later"

"Yeah see ya'll later" soap said giving me a smile and a wave to I and könig before following ghost.

I turned to könig "so" i said, "So what?" he said in a cold voice, he seemed kinda mad, "so we don't have training today so we're free"! you said I couldn't further our conversation when a far but noticeable gun shot fired. Echoing in the cold air.

In one quick movement,könig had pushed me to the ground behind the log that we were sitting on, along with him too. "Scheiße"(shit)he said hissing through his teeth

"Stay as low as possible,ok?" he said, holding one arm around me, holding me close to him as we hid from whatever or whoever that was so we don't die.

The only thing that kept me grounded was the fact that könig was holding me down, if he wasn't I would of killed that mother Fucker.

Around a minute later snow started to fall making it dense and harder to see infant of you.

Another gun fire but this time it was closer, you could see little places of bark fly of of one of the trees.

The we heard footsteps drawing close to were we we're

I let out a little noise it was like my body was forcing me from all of the fear in me.

König's hand came up and covered my mouth with his hand, before whispering in my ear "okay ka lang" (your ok).

I could here the snow cruching under whoever that was, könig could also here it.

König let go of me and stood up drawing his gun,
Pointing at whomever it was.

Another gun fire this time it landed right were I was hiding behind the log, I looked at könig who was pointing his fire arm at most likely whoever it was.

The person that könig was pointing at didn't seem to care because he started to fire near könig, I was too scared to look. Normally, I would have attacked, I just can't seem to muster anything.

König let out a loud groan, I saw blood dropping in front of me.

No No No No No.

At this point könig just rushed the man to the ground, putting one boot on the man's chest, pointing his firearm to the man "Drècksack"(scumbag).

König pushed even harder on the man's chest, making the man beg.

König shot a single bullet between the man's eyes as the man went limb under könig. König and I stood there looking at the lifeless corps.

"König we need to get you back. Your arm, it looks bad. "

Blood was driving from könig's right arm, and I softly grazed the womb. "König hissed threw his teeth" in response, "könig we have to go. "

The snow started to fall harder, making it even harder to see.

"We can't make it back to base. We have to find some other other source of help."

"Okay," könig responded in a cold, low tone.

"There's a small abandoned house about 20 yards away. "......"Do you think you can make it?"

He nodes in agreement before heading off weighting for me to follow, I trailed behind him , it was hard to walk through all of this snow.......why did I freeze up back there why didn't I help him if I did he wouldn't be in this position right now, but no I just stood there and watched when I could of been there helping him.

Normally, I would be the first in action......

Now, all I could think about was how he had a bullet stuck in his arm all because of me.

I could see that könig's arm was starting to bother him. He kept his arm to his side, opening and closing his fist every so often.
At this point, we reached the little house I couldn't even see outside the house.

"König.....sit" I ushered him to a chair. Making him sit down without too much protest. He is already hurting enough, I could tell he was losing a lot of blood.

"I'm going to need to fix that, and it's not going to feel good," I said before lighting a tantern, giving us minimal lighting.

I'm fine he said, but this time, he sounded tired .

"Please," I said as I searched the house for something like a first-aid kit.

Perfect right in the middle cabinet, there was a first-aid kit.

I felt his gaze on me as I rummaged through the first-aid kit looking for some alcohol and tweezers. I met his eyes and froze for a second. He looked at me more exhausted than ever, his Grey eyes were duller.

He was searching my face, and I felt it get hot under his stare.

"...fine," könig said before laying back on the sofa.

I pulled in a chair so that I wouldn't be standing the whole time.

"Thank you."i started to take off his gear, starting with his gun holster, snapping the buckle off his gun holster and a few extra buckles that supported his vest up. He watched me every second of it.

I felt more anxious than usual. I dropped the holder to the ground next to him, I slowly lifted up his vest pulling the injured arm out, I couldn't help but stare at him I've never seen him without his gear off .

"What do you want a picture or something?"he must have noticed me staring "oh...sorry" he must have caught me off guard as my face burned in response.

"König....I need to take off your shirt, " you said "huh..yeah go ahead. " he seemed really tired. A little too tired that he couldn't muster up mutch words.

My fingers felt the warmth of his skin underneath his shirt. As I reached the hem of the cotton, I slowly lifted up his hand and guided it out of his shirt.

I took the tweezers and doused them in alcohol before touching them to the bullet wound .After a few moments, I dug it out.

König's body started to tense. I don't think he noticed I got the bullet out.

"Hey...hey, I got it out,it's okay." My hand sat on his thigh for a second, and I felt his body relax for just a little.

"Fuck....y/n I'm so tired" he slumped his body a little in the sofa as I wrapped up his arm.

"I know I'm going to get you to bed"

"No...im..fine..just.stay here....yeah"?before I could respond he was already asleep

Ty ,sorry it's a little long 😬🤚🏻

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