i forgor how many parts ive done but pt i dunno😘

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Heyyyy it's been I long time since I've posted...sorry😬😬😬 oh well, I can't speak prober English now . Goo gah gah pindejo (gurl wtf that's cringey as shit💀😭🤚🏻).


You walked down the hall to your barrack feeling guilty because you didn't wake up on time... was he going to say the same thing that happened in the dream..? You thought.

No... right?

You arrived at your barrack and walked in, shutting the door behind you, quitely making sure not to wake anyone in the base. You got into the shower, letting the warm water drape and engulf your body.

Minutes later, after you finished showering, you changed into some silk pajamas (I mean, I would js go to sleep in boxers and an oversized t-shirt, BUT NO, were trying to be quirky and preppy, okay?😭🤚🏻)  and got into bed before dozing off to sleep.

TIME SKIP (for probably the 100th time).

You woke up to the sound of your alarm that you forgot to shut off last night (dumb ass💀) you got up and stretched feeling drowsy from the mission, you got up and did your every day things to get ready, your skin care, your hair, and you got dressed at went to the mess hall to get food (fat ass😀).

You walk into the messhall and see some of the team already getting food (great just some more fat asses) you spot könig sitting down at I table by himself wearing his usual clothing and gear along with his sniper hood (that shit ain't a sniper hood that's a big ass shirt on his head w/ two holes on the nipples).

You walk over to könig and sit at the chair in front of him.

"Hey könig I'm really sorry I didn't wake up in time. I was just really tired and -"

"Like i said It's fine." König interrupted bluntly.

"Oh, well, I'm a little curious about what you were gonna ask me, so if you don't mind me asking, what was the question?"

"Don't worry about it." König replied quickly once again.

"Oh...uh okay then, I guess I'll see you at training," you said before standing up and walking back to your barrack.

(Starts playing my chemical romance🕴💀🏴‍☠️🥀⛓️🧷)

könig x reader FemWhere stories live. Discover now