erm....i dunno no mo

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So its been a very long time and i took some time to re-read everthing so i can write more, my grammar sucks now and i dont know how to write storys like i used to, it might be a littke before i add more to this, i really want to finish it though and i probably will js give me some time to ketch-up (lol get it) anyways i js need to get my grammar straight and remember things but yeah.

ALSO, if you see any poorly misspelled words, it's because im trying to be humorous
For example, i put womb when it was supposed to be wound.

Im also getting a lot of hate for the german words. Most of them are google Translate because im still working on my german.

Im just using german words because he's austrain, but im sure there's a different way of speaking it because it's not actually germany.

Most of the time, im writing these when it's like 3 in the morning. I'll start putting times so yall know, and I'll fix all the misspelled words even if it's js me trina be funny i know some of you guys point that out alot.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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