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there was a long silence in the car.

"Soooooo" soap said "what were yall doing back there".

Ghost looked at you through the mirror

"Soap I said it was nothing and that he got shot and I was just trying to help him there wasn't anything going on. AT ALL".

You looked at ghost he instantly looked away

*great now he's probably pissed off*

TEHE TIME JUMP!!!🤠yeehaw!!!

You were walking back to base when könig stopped you "hey y/n can you come to my room maybe around 6:00 or somthing"

"Yeah sure what's up"

"I'll tell you when you there".

"Okay? Well I'll see you later then" you said before walking away.

You made it to your room, falling into bed as time passed by waiting for 6:00 to come by. The only thing that was on your mind was könig.

It was the strange kind of on your mind.

The kind of strange were you close your eyes and all you see it them the kind were you are confused about your feelings for them the kind were your legs get Shakey and weak that was the kind of strange.

Your timer pulled you out of that strange bringing you back to reality you hoped out of bed putting on you shoes and walking out the door.

You walked to königs room witch 🧙‍♀️ (jajajajja I'm sorry). Was all the way across base but the snow stopped for a little so it was only ankle height.

You made it to königs room knocking on the door witch 🧙‍♀️ (I'm sorry I'll stop) probably only sounded like tapping from the sighs of him .

He open up the door his tall figure was covering the whole door way.

He pulled you in and told you too sit down.

"I want to talk to you about somthing and I want you to be honest" he said hastily.

"Okay" you said in response.

"I-" he paused.


"I love you"


Your heart dropped and there were butterflies in your stomach your throught tightened, you got lost In your thoughts.


You snapped back to reality

He stood up "I'm sorry maybe this was the rong time to do this" he said hastily before giving you a hand.

You stood up

"I love you too".

"You do?" He said grabbing the bottom of your chin making you look at him.

"I do" you said in response pulling at the of his mask.

"C-can I kiss you?"


He pulled his mask up not even giving you a second to look at him and instantly pressing his lips egenst yours you instantly kissed him back his lips were soft and sweet at first it was Passionate. He pulled away to give you some air and then instantly hungrily kissing you.

He picked you up and placed you on his bed , getting on top of you as he placed soft wet kisses on your neck you let out little whimpers of pleasure you tilted your neck giving him more access to your neck. He started moving his way down your neck to your collar bone. You pushed him off of you and you took his place and started to kiss him. You lifted up his shirt and started kissing him all over as you unbuttoned his pants you started to rube his tip Through his boxers letting low grunts Escape his mouth . You pulled his boxers down letting his Length out (erhm I'm so so sorry ik it's cringey) you started to lick the tip and slowly started to move your way down using you hand stroke the parts you couldn't get to, as you slowly started picking up the pace.

"Y/n I- I'm close" könig grunted


You awoke from the sound of your alarm going of. You looked a the time "shit it past six" you said frantically.

You got up and fixed your clothing and put you shoes on before running out the door


You got to königs barracks. You knocked on the door "könig it y/n I'm sorry i" you were interrupted when könig opened the door "I'm sorry I- I fell asleep" you said feeling guilty for doing that.

"It's ok my question was answerd" könig said wistfully "you can go back to you barrack"

"Oh OK..I'll see you at training later then".

"Have a nice night" he said in response.

"You too könig" you said before walking back to your barrack.


Me reading the comments 👆🏻

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Me reading the comments 👆🏻

777 words

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