chapter 2 im sorry what??

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It's the next day I started to unpack everything thing until it's time to go to my parents and I'm mostly done I need to go grocery shopping tho so I can eat and I need more toothpaste okay I need alot actually imma make a list yeah so I'm currently writing a list of things I need to survive like Mac n cheese because I could never live withought that when I look at the clock crap it's 1030 I gotta go.

Pulling up to my parents house I relize mom out in her garden so I honk my horn   she jumped and turned around to give me a glare I parked and got out of my car laughing "omg mom I didn't mean to scare u so bad I'm so sorry" trying to stop laughing I walk in the house
*cora* " geez Liz you almost just gave a heart attack but lunch should be done come on let's go get your dad"
"DAD" I yell from the front door
*billy* "I'm coming"
*cora* " omg I didn't mean just yell at the top of your lungs"
I just shrugged and sat at the table
"So what's for lunch because I'm starving since no breakfast  bc I need to go shopping when I leave here"
*cora* " i made spaghetti I'll be right back with it so chill"
*billy* "hi sweetheart how was your morning"
"It was alright I just unpacked everything oh Btw  I found the surfboard it's beautiful thank you so much" <at top of chapter>
*billy* " of course honey I'm glad u like it" cora* " Okay I got lunch eat up and let's talk"
Billy* " so Liz got any boy"
" umm yeah I had a bf for a while it didn't work out tho he just wanted to sleep with me so when I gave in he left" 
*billy* " imma kill him who is he name now"
" dad no it's fine it was over a year ago I'm fine I can handle myself"
*billy* " Okay ig you can"
We ate our lunch and talked about everything that has happend since we last seem each other about a year ago mom decided to do the dishes and dad was helping so I sat in the living room waiting when all the sudden I can hear them arguing they never used to argue so I got off the couch to get closer and listen and when I got close enough to hear them all I heard was my mother
*cora* " she is not even your daughter billy ik I should have told u but how did u find out" I sucked in a deep breath to not let them know I was standing there
Billy* " I found the letter between you and Rutledge at the lake house  I was cleaning it out he's her dad isn't he"
Cora* " yeah he is biologically  but you raised her you are her father we can't tell her it will crush her"
I slowly backed away and then pretended I didn't hear anything " mom dad I gotta get going I gotta go to the store"
Cora*" Okay sweetie  we love you please call if u need anything"
"Of course mom see you guys later"
I left and got in my car and quickly drove back to the lake house to find those letter bc dad said he just put everything in the second garage and to just stay out of it  so I started digging through everything and finally found them they were love notes between this guy and my mom but there's an adress on them I wanna know who he is  at least see him so I grab all the letters and get back in my car and put the adress in bc I don't know where I'm going and when I pull up it's in the cut and I start freaking out I pull myself together enough to go knock on the door and some boy who looks like a year younger then me opens the door
*John B* " uhh hi who are you"
" oh ummm hi I'm Liz  I was looking for Johnathan Rutledge"
John B* " he's been missing for a year I'm his son why did you need him"
" oh ummm this might sound well crazy but umm I have these letters and umm you know what why don't you just read them I'm not sure how to explain this"
So he takes the letters and starts to read and when he finished reading them he just stared at me
" ummm so I think I might be your half sister"
John B*" omg I have a big sister omg omg omg wait you don't want anything because I don't have anything I'm by myself  barley keeping cps from taking me to the main land"
" omg no I don't want anything from u I just wanted to meet well ig my dad  but umm I'm ig what u would call a kook I'm a Jones  I just went to bording school when I was 13 and just got back like yesterday but I actually need to go ummm heres my number  and about the cps lmk if I can help we are technically related so I might be able to since I'm an adult but bye" I quickly walk away and get back in my car to go to the store today is crazy [what did I just do omg I have a brother that's so cool and crazy and omg what if he wants nothing to do with me you know what it will be fine it will all turn out fine]
I finally get to the store and start going through my list I turn the corner and acidently hit someone  and fall straight to the ground
"Omg I'm soooo sorry i was in my head I didn't relize I wasn't paying attention"
????* " no worries I'm Rafe cameron"
"Omg rafe hi it's Elizabeth  um Liz Jones"
Rafe*" omg hi your back I thought u would never come back what are you doing here"
" I just got back yesterday my parents gave me the lake house for a grad present so I'm shopping for things I need to survive how are u and Sarah I miss her"
Rafe* " it's okay ig I got issues with my dad still and Sarah is dating topper  I don't know if you remember him or not" " yeah ofc I do well um I'm kinda busy but  here's my number and you know where the lake house is right but get Sarah and topper and come over for dinner I would love to see everyone"
Rafe*" yeah ofc I'll be there and try to get the others does 6 work"
" yeah okay see you at 6"
I walk away to finish shopping and go home
All I could do was stare at her walking away  she grew up so well she is only a few months younger then me we were really good friends before she left I'm so glad she's back as I'm leaving the store I call Sarah
"Hey gotta quick question before you yell at me"
Sarah* " ugh okay what is it"
" do you remember  Elizabeth Jones we all used to be friends when we were younger before she left for school"
Sarah* " omg yeah why"
"Well she's back and she just invited us and topper  to dinner at her house or the Jones lake house at 6 if you guys would like to come I'll text u the adress and her phone number okay talk to you later"
Sarah*" yeah okay see yeah"
It's currently 530 I just finished cooking some chicken and potatoes and others stuff  go to wash my hands and set the table the door bell rings as I open the door I get jumped by abunch of blond hair
Sarah* " omg I missed you so much"
" hey Sarah I missed you too your so friken pretty omg" as I pushed her at arms length
Sarah* " so are you your gorgeous"
" i love your shoes"
Sarah* " I know right look at them"
Then all sudden a cough comes from behind her and I look up
" omg right sorry hey rafe and you must be topper we weren't really friends before I left so nice to meet you"
Top*" yeah you to thanks for inviting me"
Rafe * " hey i was promised food"
I just laugh at him
" yeah come on let's eat"
We all sit at my table eating and talking  when I finally just blurt out something I prolly shouldn't have
" so do you guys know John B" all at once they ask the same question " the pouge"
" uhh yeah ig is he like a decent person"
I just nod
Rafe* " I mean yeah ig but you should stay away he's a pouge"
" yeah of course yeah"
We all just finish eating and they end up leaving because it was really late  as I'm cleaning up I get a call from a number I don't know
John B* " hey I know we just meet but could you come help me this cps lady is hear and said I couldn't stay if I didn't have an adult checking on me and stuff so could u help me out"
" omg yeah give me a few minutes  I'll be right there okay"
He just says okay and we hang up and I run and jump in the car to go help.

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