Chapter 20

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Narrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Messenger (ﷺ)  never proceeded (for the prayer) on the Day of 'Id-ul-Fitr unless he had eaten some dates. Anas also narrated: The Prophet (ﷺ) used to eat odd number of dates.
Sahih al-Bukhari,

10 years back
23 December, 2012
09;15 AM

Usman Dalaj walked proudly with his eighteen years old son Jawaad realising how tall his son has suddenly become. Satisfied with the young man his son was slowly becoming; outgoing, responsible, smart and down-to-earth.
"I will miss you, Dad" Jawaad spoke, as they finally halted in front of Mr Usman's Porsche Macan automobile, waiting for his best friend Mr Aman to come out of his own apartment; Usman and Aman shared a very unique bond since childhood. They started off as family friends and eventually they became best friends. They studied Aviation at Kingston University London and ever since then, became pilots.

They were true to each other, they loved each other like true brothers and it's hard to know they aren't siblings because while Usman happens to be the only son of Mohammad Dalaj, a business tycoon, a northern Nigerian based in London, Aman turned out to be the first son of his father, Hamdan Dandachi, the king to the Dandachi's empire who also happens to be a Shuwa Arab from Nigeria. Mr Mohammad and Hamdan became friends after a few years into business collaboration and since then, their children also became close.

Usman and Aman decided to build a house together with different apartments for themselves and their children, and after they got hitched with each other's sisters, they fulfilled that dream and owned a house together living as a whole family.

"I will miss you too, my son!" Usman finally spoke, after sharing some really deep eye contact with his only son whom he loves so much, also happens to be an exact replica of his mother, Maryam, the love of his life. "When will you be writing your first aviation exams?" he asked and Jawaad quickly gave a response.
"In two weeks, ACP!" he called out, he didn't miss the chance to tease his father with his rank; Assistant Chief Pilot.
He admires his dad so much that he wishes he could become even half the person that he is.

With a proud smile, Usman Dalaj replied "I will be back before then but... Make sure you study hard with your brother Abba. You both must pass, okay?" he cautioned and Jawaad nodded, with a cheeky grin; he is already eighteen, but he acts really childish around his father.

"Oh my son is here!" Mr Aman called out, referring to Jawaad whom he always referred to as his son. "Uncle!" Jawaad shook hands with his Uncle, he had always thought Mr Aman Dandachi was his direct Uncle until recently... Nonetheless, he will always regard him as an Uncle and a second Dad.

Ruffling his frizzy hair, Mr Aman side hugged him and watched as his son Habib tailed behind him.
"Uncle, Abba, have a nice flight!" Habib wished, shaking hands with his favorite Uncle; Usman Dalaj first before his Abba.
"Thank you! And study hard for your very first Aviation exams... We will be back to wish you guys good luck, okay?" Usman affirmed and they both bobbed their heads.

"You..." Usman directed to his son "do take care of your mom and little sister, I will be back after the program, in shaa Allah" he instructed and Jawaad whispered something like "trust me dad!" with a comic chuckle and a wink that reminded him of his childhood; how fast did time went? He has a grown up son already and it's still feels like just yesterday when Jawaad was born.

"And you...!" he flickered his gaze over to Habib "take care of my sister!" again, referring to Umma; Asmau.
"Sure I will ACP!" he also said, more in a drastic way that got both Usman and Aman laughing.
"It's time! We need to be on our way" Mr Aman Dandachi finally said something, looking up to the time on his watch; he wasn't the type to talk too much, but Usman? He will always be glad to do the talking for them all, Jawaad took after his dad...

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