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"What do you mean you're staying another week?"

I cringed when Matt's voice rose a pitch on the other end of the line. After most of the ringing in my ear ceased, I said as calmly as possible, "I meant exactly what I said. They were so impressed with my work; they told the travel agency, and they offered me a job. I promise it won't last longer than one week."

A short silence followed before he asked, "And what about getting engaged? It's supposed to happen this weekend."

"We're still getting engaged, Matt." I rolled my eyes as I unpacked the contents of my suitcase into the closet. "We just have to move it to next week."

He grumbled something about playing golf with an important client next week, but I ignored his complaints. When he spoke again, his voice was surprisingly even, "I suppose I can reschedule a few things. Promise it's just for one week though."

"Promise." My eyes were fixed on the door when a knock sounded against the wood. "I gotta go. Talk to you later."

I hung up before he could respond and closed the closet - I was done unpacking anyway. Today's Monday, the start of my one-week trial as the mate of a werewolf and my temporary job at the local travel agency. And since I only brought one set of clothes with me, I was back in the same outfit I wore for the wedding - a pair of skinny jeans, a white sweater, my coat, and a pair of ankle boots.

In other words, I was freezing my ass off.

Remembering the knock at the door, I crossed the room to answer it. I half-expected it to be Reyna or Rheon, but instead, I was met by a woman around the same age as me. It didn't take a genius to know she and Rheon were related. They both had the same fair complexion, the same dark brown hair, and the same striking blue eyes that could look right into your soul to learn your deepest, darkest secrets.

"By the Goddess Three," the woman breathed and raked her eyes up and down my body, grinning like a wolf when her attention shifted to my face, "My brother wasn't kidding when he said you're more beautiful than the goddesses themselves."

"I -"

She entered the room before I could even start a sentence.

"I know Rheon's planning on introducing you to the family tonight, but I couldn't wait." She sprawled herself across my freshly made bed and smiled. "I'm Seren. It's nice to finally meet the girl who put my brother out of his misery. I swear before you came along, it was like watching 13 Reasons Why with him in the house; morbid and depressing."

"Thanks, I guess," I muttered and awkwardly continued unpacking my other suitcase, which contained my laptop, camera, and other equipment.

"And are you a natural blonde or did you dye your hair? I need to have an idea what your children will look like in the future."

I nearly dropped my laptop after her words caught me off guard. Before I could tell her I had absolutely no plans of running off and having children with a man I just met, the door swung open and Rieka peered in.

"For goodness' sake, Seren, stop making her uncomfortable," she rebuked her daughter with her hands planted on her hips, "We don't want to scare her off before meeting the rest of the pack."

Of course, a pack. Because they're werewolves. I'm living under the same roof with a family of supernatural beings for the next few days, which, mind you, shouldn't even exist according to the rules of reality. Not a moment goes by without me expecting to wake up in my apartment and all of this turned out to be just another extremely vivid dream.

Seren only beamed at her mother before leaving the room, winking at me across her shoulder.

Rieka, although somewhere in her early fifties, didn't look a day older than forty. I guess when you're a werewolf you age slower, or you're naturally better looking than the average human being. She even dressed like a model, and I couldn't stop eyeing the checkered blazer she was wearing.

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