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Friday started with Craig greeting everyone he saw with, "Shake yer tits, it's Friday!"

A week ago, this time, I was packing the last things into my suitcase for my trip to Scotland. To think, I had no idea I'd be photographing a werewolf wedding and turn out to be one's mate. Matt and I were still together, and I was still struggling to come up with a way to pay my studio's rent.

Somehow that felt ages ago.

However, the castle didn't seem to embrace the weekend and its relaxing vibes. Servants were scurrying left and right under Edda's watchful eye, making preparations for the ball on Sunday. Rooms had to be prepared for the other packs, tons of cooking and baking had to be done, and after two miscreants trashed the kitchen yesterday, the pantry was out of eggs and syrup, which meant another trip to Direfair.

"Seren, aren't you going to lend a hand?" Emric inquired as he and Victor were changing one of the bulbs of the chandelier in the lobby.

"It's Friday," Seren said from her spot on the sofa, gazing lazily into the fireplace, "Any plan of being a productive member of society is officially tossed down the gutter."

"You were hardly productive this week," Victor pointed out bluntly.

"Excuse you, shopping is hard work. It takes time and energy and not to mention a lot of patience," she fired back, "Patience which I lack when it comes to you."

Rheon and I shared amused glances as we polished the suits of armor on either side of the stairs. Everyone was pitching in to help except for Seren. Reyna and Alexander volunteered to head to the village to buy the last things needed for the ball, while Rieka made sure fresh flower arrangements decorated every vase.

"If that's the case," Rieka stole a glance at Seren, "then you're responsible for Clemmy's driving lesson today."

Seren shot upright with a crazed expression. "Oh, no. Does anyone remember what happened the last time we let that teenager take the wheel? We lost the other limousine, that's what happened! It's probably having tea with the Loch Ness Monster at the bottom of the lake as we speak."

"Well, Clemmy needs to learn how to drive, and someone needs to teach her." Emric shrugged at the top of the ladder, "You just happen to be the only one who's not doing anything."

"We can do it." All heads turned to me when I willingly volunteered. Rheon, on the other hand, was shaking his head desperately but I didn't get the message. "I mean, how bad can it be?"

If only I knew what I signed us up for.

I found myself in the backseat of Rheon's car with him in the passenger seat and Clemmy behind the wheel. The look on his face reminded me of a dog who's figured out they're going to the vet.

"Which pedal is the clutch again? I always mix them up," Clemmy asked and peered down at her feet.

"The left, Clemmy," he said in a beat, "Don't you know that by now?"

"Of course, dummy." She rolled her eyes and started the car. "Relax, will you? I was only joking. Now buckle up, it's for your own safety."

I didn't wait to see if she was joking that time. We all put on our seat belts and waited with upheld breaths for Clemmy to pull out of the garage. She successfully managed to put the car in reverse and released the clutch...

My body jolted forward as the car jerked and died. Thank the Goddesses for the seat belt.

"Oops," Clemmy said casually, "Sensitive clutch."

Rheon seemed paler than usual. If I had known volunteering to teach Clemmy to drive involved his beloved Nessie, I would've kept my mouth shut.

The young werewolf started the car a second time and, by some miracle, successfully reversed out of the garage. Now for the first gear... we jolted with each jerk the car made, but eventually, Clemmy's foot stayed even on the pedal. After that, changing to second and third gear was easy.

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