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I watched Clemmy and Blake sprint off towards the battle, leaving me standing on the shore. Nothing about this felt right. I needed to be there with them, I wanted to help even if that meant throwing the enemy with cans of soup.

The irony was I'm human. I couldn't grow claws and fangs and turn into a wolf the size of a polar bear to defeat my enemies. And the last thing I wanted was to be a liability on the battlefield as Craven Pride defended their territory against Lucine and her pack. As much as I despised admitting it, Blake was right, Rheon should focus on surviving, not on protecting me.

With that heavy thought in mind, I took off toward the castle while the howls continued in the distance. All I could do as I hurried across the grounds, was hope and pray that no one would get hurt, that Blake would get the chance he needed to confine Lucine and perform his ritual on her. It would be up to Rheon to decide what to do with her once her magic had been stripped.

Finally, the backdoor of the castle came into view. Bursting through it, I entered the kitchen. For good measure, I moved a table in front of the door in case an enemy wolf would break through it.

The silence of the castle is palpable, almost unnatural. My movements and rapid breaths are the only sounds that filled the grave silence as I searched the drawers and cabinets for something, anything that I could use as a weapon. Once I found a rather big knife, I set out to search for any medical supplies I could use to wrap around my arm. It's throbbing after my hasty trek over the castle grounds, and the smallest of movements pulled agonizingly at my charred skin.

When I couldn't find any first aid kits in the kitchen, I hurried to one of the downstairs bathrooms to continue the search. One would think the staff would keep a first aid kit close by where they worked, but it seemed I thought wrong.

Entering the bathroom, I slammed the door closed and locked it, paranoid with the raging sounds coming from outside. If an enemy wolf did catch my scent and came for me, at least they'd have to break down the door first, thus giving me enough time to ready the knife if necessary. Dropping to my knees, I rummaged through the cabinets underneath the sinks, keeping my injured arm as still as possible.

"Where the hell is it?" I muttered in panic as I, yet again, couldn't find a first aid kit.

Out of the blue, a knock sounded at the door.

My heart jolted as I held the knife toward the source of the sound, backing up until my back pressed against the cold wall. My breath was shallow and fast as I stared at the door handle, fearing the moment it would turn and open...


I clamped my hand over my mouth the muffle the utter sound of relief when I recognized the voice. Grandma Selene.

Unlocking the door, I step aside as she rushed in, eyes blown wide with panic as she embraced me in a hug. "Goddess Three, we were so worried! Everyone thought Lucine killed you and Clemmy, Rheon was livid with anger, he nearly leveled the fountain when Kenna delivered the news."

The feeling of her warmth seeping into me was enough to make my eyes well up with tears. But there wasn't time for heartfelt reunions, not while my mate was out there fighting for his life and freedom.

"I'm fine, Grandma," I said and pulled back, "But I need to find a first aid kit to get my arm wrapped up. There is a possibility that Lucine can be stopped, and I want to help in any way I can." Like hell am I staying put in the castle while the pack is fighting in the battle outside. As soon as my arm's wrapped up, I'm going out to help.

"Which is why I brought this." Grandma Selene placed a battered tin in my hands, and I can vaguely see the outlines of a red cross on it. "I smelled the stench of burnt flesh the moment you entered the castle, knew it was you right away. The kit is a bit outdated, but it'll work. Here, let me help."

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