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"I don't know how she even got in without anyone sensing her," Rheon muttered as we all stood huddled around him in the kitchen. His eyes found mine but all I could detect in them was fear, "She knows about Ash."

Clemmy sucked in a breath, sharing the same look of concern as the rest of the Balfours. Seren clenched her jaw and balled her hands into fists.

"Hasn't that bitch done enough damage already?" She seethed. Rheon shook his head. I could see he was fighting against the rage building inside him, trying to stay calm and in control.

I've been debating whether to tell them about the sinister figure I encountered in the hallway earlier. It could have been Lucine herself, out to bring an end to the only person who could break the curse. And connecting the dots – first she appeared to Rheon to inform him she knew about me being his mate, then appearing to me to no doubt end my life – I figured that I'm right. My presence here was a threat to her, meaning I have just moved to the top of her to-kill list.

However, as my gaze shifted to each Balfour in the room, I decided it's not the time to worry them even more. Rieka and Emric's expressions were grave, Alexander's blank, and Victor's timid with anger. They each had their own way to process the events of the night, but there is one thing they all have in common: the news of Lucine's return has left them gutted and floored.

It dawned on me Rheon wasn't the only one who's cursed, Lucine made sure to include everyone. But why? If she's half-werewolf and knew Rheon wasn't her mate, why go out of her way to make that happen? If she's already that powerful, why use that power to curse someone?


It was merely a thought, but the more I considered it the more it made sense.

"You're the alpha, aren't you?" All heads turned to me, even Rheon's when I made that bold assumption, "I expected your father to be though, it was only obvious. But then I asked myself why Lucine would go to such extreme measures to have you. She wants power, a pack she can rule. And for that, she needs an alpha." By the looks on Rheon and his family's faces, I knew I was right. "I just don't understand why it has to be you? Surely there must be other packs in Scotland."

"Because Craven Pride is the biggest and most influential pack in Europe," Emric explained, "There are other packs, yes, they all have their alphas to lead them, but when it comes to hierarchy, they all turn to Craven Pride for leadership. I decided to step down a few years ago; a pack is only as strong as its alpha and Rheon was ready to take over. Guess that's exactly what Lucine's been waiting for."

"We take it you know about the curse, then," Alexander said to me to which I nodded.

"I also understand if it's not broken, it's not just Rheon who suffers the consequences. All of you will have to answer to Lucine." I crossed my arms, frowning. "I don't know her as you do, but she doesn't strike me as the submissive type of woman. If she managed to mess with Rheon's head before, who says she won't do it again?"

"Exactly," Victor muttered under his breath.

"Everyone's forgetting about the part where Lucine knows about Ash." Rheon rose from his seat and round the counter to stand beside me, one hand coming to rest protectively on my waist. "She'll come for her... she'll kill her."

My body shivered at his words. I could see how I was a problem here and nearly laughed at the irony - now there were two raging women who despised me; Matt's new side dish turned main course, and a half-werewolf, half-witch who wants me dead.

"She's not laying a finger on Ash," Seren snapped, "She'll have to go through us first."

I blinked. "Excuse me, what?"

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