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After an hour of learning how to waltz, Emric escorted me back to the castle. I was nervous about facing the packs after running off earlier when the pressure became too much. That wasn't an admirable quality, especially not for someone whose mate is the alpha of the most influential werewolf pack in Europe. Given if I was a werewolf, they'd say I'm not fit to lead a pack alongside Rheon.

And speaking of Rheon, he was waiting for us at the castle's entrance, hands shoved into his pockets with a deep frown etched on his face. Once we reached the door, Emric left me with his son to go join the other packs.

At first, I had no idea what to say to him. A part of me regretted leaving him while all he did was defend me. Another part was still pissed that I couldn't do anything to help with breaking the curse. And then there was this tiny voice in my head that told me I should be ashamed of myself for being so weak.

But my somber thoughts vanished completely when, out of the blue, he engulfed me in a hug. His arms wrapped around my shoulders, blocking my view of the world. I had no control over my body; my arms had a mind of their own as they snaked around his waist, my hands grabbing onto his blazer desperately. At that moment, I felt completely safe. Time and reality became a concept, and the curse was just a distant thought. There was only us.

"I'm sorry," I whispered against his chest.

"For what?"

"For being weak. For failing you. For giving everyone false hope -"

"Stop," he tilted my chin up to meet my eyes, "don't say that. You're anything but weak, Ash. You haven't failed anyone in any way, and you certainly didn't give anyone false hope. In fact," he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, "you managed to restore the hope in me. No matter what happens, I'll hold on to that. And for that I am eternally grateful to you."

Blood rushed to my cheeks when I felt his lips against my forehead. The kiss lasted but three seconds before he pulled back, but it was enough for my entire body to crave more. I wanted him to kiss me again, to claim my lips in white-hot passion as he pushed me up against a wall. I wanted him to kiss me until all I can say is his name.

With a sideways smile, he laced his fingers with mine and walked me into the castle. The moment we stepped into the lobby; I was greeted by an atmosphere of exhilaration.

The four packs were all getting ready for something no one informed me about. Everyone was dressed in older-looking clothes, some jeans were ripped, and some T-shirts faded. They also carried backpacks for some unexplainable reason. Was there some kind of werewolf hiking trip I wasn't aware of?

"What's going on?" I muttered to Rheon, who stripped off his blazer and dress shirt, leaving him in only a skintight T-shirt and his trousers.

"We're heading out on an evening run," he explained while loosening his belt, "Every time all the packs of Scotland reunite, it's tradition for them to shift together and run around the forest until the moon reaches its highest peak. Then they would howl in unison before ending the run and shifting back."

"Really?" I quirked a brow, "That's it? Running around and howling at the moon together?"

"It might seem pointless to you, but for us, it's a sign of unity." He dropped his trousers right in front of me, my eyes growing twice their size at the sight of him in nothing but a jockey. In a blink of an eye, he had pulled on a faded pair of jeans and said, "Seeing it is a whole other experience, though. That's why you're coming along."

"Is that a good idea? I mean, four packs of werewolves, all of them shifted, one human... see what I'm trying to imply?"

"We're all perfectly in control while shifted," he assured me, "Plus, someone has to hold my spare clothes in the meanwhile. Don't want me walking home naked, do you?"

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