Chapter 4:The Red Pokémon

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"How are we ganna get the Pokémon out if we don't know anything about it?" Goh asked looking around, Ash is looking at the other side looking through the bushes.

"well it's a new Pokémon right? Then we'll try everything to see what it like then we'll be friends with it! I wonder what kind of Pokémon it is, maybe it's super strong!" Ash said with stars in his eyes, Goh sweatdropped but smiled.

Pikachu, Cinderace, Grooky and Lucario are helping their Trainers to look around.

Goh and Ash already showed them the picture of the pokemon but it was blurred since well all pictures that are taken of the new Pokémon are blurred, so it's hard to see what it look like.

Pikachu and Grooky are looking through the bushes, Pikachu look at the other bush until Grooky suddenly came out of it and piled on Pikachu with a bright smile as Pikachu sweatdropped.

Cinderace look around the trees, looking at the bushes and branches.

Lucario look around his surroundings and check every bushes he came across, he decided to use his aura sense to find the Pokémon.

He closed his eyes and-

He suddenly sense a Green Aura

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He suddenly sense a Green Aura...a different aura...a aura that isn't blue like the other living beings...

Lucario quickly look at the direction of the Green aura seeing it close by.

He immediately run towards that direction, ignoring Ash's or his friends calls.

The aura he felt is different...but this aura feels calm and relaxed, no doubt this must be the Pokémon their talking about...but why does this aura felt...femilliar..?

Lucario shake his head to push that thought away, it doesn't matter he needs to find this new Pokémon like what Ash wanted.

He keeps running following the green aura trail, he run passed the bushes and trees through the woods.

Until...he heard humming...he stopped in his tracks and look around, he sense it above so he look up seeing someone sitting on the branch...the one who have the green aura...the Pokémon...

The Lucario stood there, starring at the red Pokémon with wide eyes

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The Lucario stood there, starring at the red Pokémon with wide eyes...he suddenly felt...Deja vu..?

His aura sense slowly fade away seeing the aura fade away in his sight.

He continued to stare at the red Pokémon, wondering why his feeling weird around it.

The red echidna let out a yawn of full sleep for the first time since he isn't guarding the Master Emerald he always wake up in after 2 hours to make sure the Master Emerald is right beside him, but still his worried about it.

He sit up and rubbed his eyes to get the sleepiness away and adjust his eyes to the sunlight.

After that he look around but stopped when he spotted a tall blue and black jackal like Mobian starring at him.

'right...i forgot their not mobians' he thought feeling stupid at himself for mistaken the Pokémon for a Mobian, well who would expect ended up in different planet anyway?

And plus isn't this Sonic's job? Why is he taking his job on suddenly traveling in different weird places?

He let out a scoff leaning against the tree with his arms cross in annoyance, he is sure that Sonic would like this than himself, he have a important job back home!

He stared back at the black and blue Pokémon and sees him starring at him, he raised a brow.

"what do you want?" he asked him with a unimpressed look.

The Lucario quickly shake his head to snapped out if his daze but even more shock to hear the red Pokémon speak in a human language.

< can talk in human language..?> The Lucario thought, so the Meowth from Team Rocket aren't the only one who can talk on human language, he guess some other Pokémon can but rarely.

Y/N look confused as he blink slightly.

"what do you mean? I always talk like this ever since i born" he said, well quite honestly he doesn't really remember his childhood but he doesn't really care about it.

The Lucario stared at him as his expression change to his usual expression, he start to calm down a bit and forgetting the deja vu he felt earlier.

<what's your species name?> He asked, Y/N look at him confusingly but he think about it, he is a species from another planet...that is going to extinct after he died anyway so he'll just answer this guy's question.

"I'm an echidna" he said putting his hand on his chest while starring at him.

The Lucario nodded in respond.

<well then Echidna i request for you to follow me> he said as Y/N raised a brow again.

"uh..? But i have a name" he said but the Lucario didn't acknowledge it.

<doesn't matter, get down> he said as the red echidna look at him unimpressed as he put his hands behind his head and lean agaisnt the trunk with his eyes closed.

<don't make me get you down> he warned but Y/N didn't listen and continue to fake asleep thinking the Pokémon would leave him alone.

The Lucario sees him not listening as he let out a sigh.

<fine asked for this> he said as he put his paws together concentrating.

The Echidna just taking his time, until he sense some power getting released, he open his other eye to look.

<AURA SPHERE!> he soon heard a shout and he immediately sit up with eyes widen seeing a big blue sphere heading in his way with huge amount of power.

In a instant he quickly jump off the branch as a small explosion came and smoke is replaced.

The Echidna cough a bit and glared at the Lucario.

"What was THAT FOR?!" the echidna yelled at him with anger as the Lucario just have his arms crossed with a unimpressed expression.

<getting you down, now c'mon> he said as he grabbed his arm much to Y/N's suprise and drag him away.

"ah! Wait where are you even taking me?!" the echidna ask but he is left unanswered as the Lucario continues to take the Echidna away.

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