01| Goodbye, Jurassic World

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We tried, tried and tried again to get to this moment, and we reached it.

Here, the seven of us were sailing away from the horrors of Jurassic World and the hell of its dinosaur residents. And could you believe the raft we were sitting on wasn't sinking? Thank Brooklynn for making that Brooklynn Unboxes: Raft Building video!

Kenji and Sammy were crouched by the raft's edge, giggling with glee as they splashed each other with salty water. Brooklynn watched them with a smile, then went to Yasmina, who had just finished tying a perfect knot over one of our supply boxes. Brooklynn paused and looked between Yas and the knot before crouching and tugging at it to ensure she knotted it properly.

Yasmina just stared at Brook with narrowed eyes, but to my surprise, she shrugged it off and looked towards the island. All our gazes followed hers as we watched Isla Nublar become smaller inch by inch.

Our smiles grew as our hope blossomed. It was hard to believe we were leaving the island after... well actually I'm not sure how long but we were still together.

Darius, hand-in-mine, stood and smiled his well-known smile. "Goodbye, Jurassic World," he whispered.

As silence rose from the raft, all seven of us staring at the remains of Jurassic World, a small blue dot grew bigger and bigger. I squinted my eyes, and as it got closer, I realised that the blue dot was Bumpy! We couldn't bring Bumpy on our journey to Costa Rica, and the decision left us all suffering–especially Ben!

Ben loves Bumpy, and Bumpy loves Ben; watching him say goodbye had me in tears. If only Bumpy weren't so big, we would have found the supplies to have her on the raft with us, but her weight meant she'd snap it in two like a piece of honeycomb biscuit, and she certainly couldn't swim. But even though we all knew it had to be done, it hurt to see her.

Bumpy bounded to the island's edge on wet rocks, where she bellowed a mournful goodbye to us. By the chair, Ben took a step forward, staring after Bumpy with sorrowful eyes and a heartbroken frown.

He put his hand out and murmured, "Goodbye, Bumpy..." then sniffled, staring at the raft floor as though he may cry again.

I let go of Darius' hand to give Ben a comforting hug–a very much-needed hug. Then, like a splatter of yellow on a grey-toned canvas, Kenji burst into obnoxious laughter, and we all looked at him. He stood facing the island with a smirk.

"See you never, stupid dino island! You thought you could eat us? No way! You thought you could stomp on us? Think again!"

"Yeah!" Sammy exclaimed, joining in and nudging Kenji's arm, "You thought you could crush our spirits? Impossible!" Kenji raised his hand, and they high-fived, giggling hard.

Ben sighed, "To be fair, the island did crush my spirit... But then I defeated Toro!"

Yasmina groaned, sliding her hand down her face as she side-eyed Ben, muttering, "Not again..."

Ben smiled apologetically, "Sorry... it's just that Bumpy likes it when I tell her."

Yelps of alarm filled the air as the raft suddenly lurched to the side over an oncoming wave, and we all stumbled to the ground. Brooklynn was the first to look around, worried, but her breath hitched when she spotted the cause of the sudden wave.

"Um, guys?" she whispered, staring at a giant wave headed right our way! The rest of us gasped, and the wave grew as if to spite our mere existence in its waters.

"Everyone secure the vines," Brooklynn yelled.

"How do we do that!?" I asked as I helped Kenji stand after he fell on my leg. Brooklynn paused, holding one of the vines around the supply boxes with wide eyes.

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