11| Compies Are Rats

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The following day, everyone except Ben (who was looking for some more berries with Bumpy) gathered outside the yacht.

During yesterday's monolophosaurus escapade, Ben had grabbed a sealant specially made for boats and other waterproof fixings. Better yet, after my emotional vent session and girls' hangout with Brooklynn, we headed upstairs and helped everyone look for something reasonable to patch up the hull. We managed to find a red food tray for microwaveable dinners. It wasn't the prettiest option, but it was made of plastic and likely waterproof.

Now, Brooklynn and Yasmina held the tray firmly against the hole in the hull. Darius knelt between them and fired the sealant gun to cover the edges. Kenji, Sammy and I watched in anticipation.

"It ain't pretty, but it should be watertight," Brooklynn said.

When Darius finished sealing the edges down, they took a step back. They looked anxious, and Brooklynn and Yasmina held their hands up as if they were concerned that touching it now would lead to disaster. The six of us waited momentarily, staring silently at the sealed tray, then smiled.

It worked! We'd fixed the hole!

"Dope!" Kenji cheered, high-fiving me. "Now, let's leave already!"

"Oh my gosh! I can't believe it's really happening," Sammy exclaimed. She shook Kenji's shoulder, and his head nodded back and forth comically fast.

"Buh-bye, Isla Nublar!" Brook grinned.

"We are out of here!" Yaz smiled.

The five of us bounced up and down and cheered, fist-bumping and high-fiving each other because now we'd finally leave this dratted island and go home! We continued our elated cheers until Darius snapped us back to reality.

"Hold on, guys," Darius said. "It says here we have to wait 48 hours for it to set."

Wonderful. We had to stay on dino-island for another two days before setting sail. I'm glad it wasn't something like a week because we'd waited like...well, I'm actually not sure how long, but I know we've been on the island for ages. The point is, we could wait a little longer.

Darius and I may have thought so, but the others didn't agree. Their frustrated groans filled the air like a chorus of brachiosaurus bellows.



"Guys, chill. They have to say that for insurance and junk," Kenji smirked. He walked over to Darius and knocked at the tray whilst saying, "As your captain, I pronounce this vessel seaworthy—"

The tray dropped from the stress Kenji put on it and clattered to the ground, revealing the hole once again. Kenji fell silent and glanced awkwardly at the annoyed glares the rest of us sent his way. He scratched his dark hair nervously and looked away.

"Um...I've got some captain-ey stuff to do over there. Carry on," Kenji said.

He picked up the red tray and handed it to Darius, who rolled his eyes. Darius pinched the space between his eyebrows and sighed. Turning to the rest of us, he held out the tray and said, "One more time."

Yasmina rolled her eyes and muttered something incoherently before crossing her arms and walking away. Brooklynn watched her leave, then crouched beside Darius and held the tray against the hole. Sammy and I watched them quietly, but I could tell Sammy was about to break their silent concentration from how deeply she frowned.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a second?" Sammy asked Brooklynn.

"Kinda busy right now, but—"

"—I need your help with something personal," Sammy interrupted, frowning uncomfortably.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14 ⏰

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