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Everyday now for about 2 weeks Brooklyn has been coming over. And it's just getting easier to hate him, I'm starting to see all his faults and flaws, trust me he has some. He doesn't wipe his feet before coming in! I mean, can you believe the guy?! Everyday he comes in my room to say hi JUST to piss me off. And they're always in the pool because he wants me to see him shirtless. He's really annoying. Not his body doe. I mean his abs and his arms, don't get me started on his arms..the veins following a pattern called sexiness and oh his eyes that look like chocola...

"Hey." Ugh it's Brooklyn.
"Do you do this on purpose get out!"
"I'm sorry, what do I do?" He giggles and says this with attitude. Boy don't attitude me.
"You come say hello or hey like flirting and looking really hot just because you want me to like you but guess what (my voice rose) I DON'T!" Oops.
"Wow, well this is awkward... I came to tell you dinner's ready, your mum told me to come tell you. Don't flatter yourself grumpy." Oh my god. Oh my gosh! I am such an idiot. What have I done. Total embarrassment, oh my holy nut cracker Davis! I suck.
"Oh. I'm not hungry." My stomach is flipped upside down and butterflies in my stomach are exploding. I've suddenly lost my appetite and I cannot eat or I'll probably throw up.
He looks at me carefully and walks into my room and shuts the door. Wtf is going on?
"What the fu-"
"So you think I'm hot?" He smirks so effortlessly sexy and stares deep into my soul.
Ugh he's so hot. I stumble on words and just end up speaking gibberish.
"So you do" he continues.
"You think my arms are nice and my eyes are like chocolate do you?" I do....
"Wait how do-" I almost complete my question but he cuts me off.
"You think aloud baby" then he winks as he gets closer to me, so close that I can feel his breath against my mouth. This is way too intense. My face is turning tomato red by the second and my armpits are becoming a public pool.
He gets real close to my face than turns around and laughs. I'm so very confused.

"Did you like that joke! I totally got you! You thought I was getting dirty hahahahahaha!"
Two embarrassing moments in 2 minutes? Seriously?

"I knew you were joking that's why I didn't say anything." I try to defend myself.
"And, is that why your face is tomato red?" He turns around and faces the door, he opens it and leaves. What the heck is going on? he was joking this WHOLE time. I hate him! -

"Dinner's ready!" He says in his Beautiful raspy British voice.

- ish.

Ok so firstly I AM SO SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG TO UPDSTE THIS!! I was having the longest writers block and this chapter kinda proves it but thank you so much for all these reads and all the support l! I will definitely be updating wayyyyyy more often!   Thanks!

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