Chapter 7

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We decided to go to a cafe so we could all have a coffee before going to do some bowling later. We sat at a large table with lotte to my left and gio to my right. Leah was opposite me and just kept looking at me with some sad eyes and being quiet until Beth questioned it and she said she's fine. Random questions were thrown my way asking about my home and my friends which when I think about it we haven't spoken much.
I haven't really talked to my parents yet either. I must have zoned out as I feel gio elbow me "you okay?" "What ya"I reply. We than go bowling and go into groups me, lotte , gio , Beth , Leah and viv were in one lane I'm not good a bowling so I came 5th ahead of gio she is horrible so the girls spent most of the time making fun of her.
It felt nice having a group of people to have a laugh with but I still feel alone in a room full of people and I don't know why.
Beth won the bowling and we decided to head back home, me and Leah walked to her car and the ride back was silent. My phone breaks the silence with a bunch of notifications that the girls have followed me on instagram.
Leah doesn't look over and just asks " are you okay, and tell me the truth how old are they, I just want to help " I know she isn't a stupid person so I figured it would be easier to say the truth mostly. "Yes I'm fine they are old enough" I mutter out knowing my scars have been on my arm for a week.

"If you need help we will get you some, if you need someone to talk to I'll be there just please don't do it again" Leah pleads to me I just nod. " promise me" Leah asks. I just look at her, it's almost impossible to promise something like that. "Please" Leah continues. "Promise" I mutter out pleasing her for now.
We go back inside and decide to watch a movie before going off to sleep we watched mama Mia with Leah doing to occasion abba singing.
While getting ready to sleep I decided to get in touch with my parents, my dad only ended up talking about himself, my mother asked am I doing online school I replied ya and left it at that, there was no how are you or are you okay, my step dad had the longest conversation about life and soccer , than I texted Sarah my little sister and she seems to be doing okay, we talked about a lot as well mostly about food.

After the lovely chats I went onto instagram and decided to post a story with the pictures of my signing. I got a few hearts and messages of well done and shortly the girls from the team started reposting it and i suddenly had a massive increase of followers. I had put my phone down not setting an alarm as we only have an evening training and gym just before. And try to fall asleep. Once I did it didn't last long I look at the time and see it's only 4 am so I find my sleeping pills and take them it doesn't take long for them to knock me out thankfully.

"Y/n , y/n" I hear but keep my eyes closed until I suddenly feel a heavy weight on top of me, my eyes shoot open and I see Leah on top of me. "Mmmmh ya you okay?" I ask Leah "I thought u were dead your such a deep sleeper" she replied I couldn't tell her I take sleeping pills as she would just ask why. So I just laughed and agreed. She rolled to the side and we had a little chat before I needed to go for a shower and get ready.

So what time are we leaving I ask her now that it's hours later well its 3 pm now, "well now we can eat something small there and than get ready for gym" she replies.

We leave for the training ground singing songs and having a laugh Leah decides to record us when we stopped and put it on her story. Which I only noticed later. We are eating pasta when gio, Katie, Beth and lotte walk over and sit on the same table. "So y/n are you excited?" Katie asks "for what" I reply confused "well the reading game this weekend" "ya I guess, I won't play any minutes yet" I reply knowing it's the truth "you never know" Leah chimes in. I just nod.
As we finish eating we all walk to the changing room, I changed earlier so I was ready and gio was too so we went to gym early together.


Another one bites the dust Another one down another one down
Sorry I had to do that

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