Part 39

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Me and lessi are sitting comfortably in first class on our way to Greece where we will be for 2 weeks. We will be going around to many different places like Santorini, Athens,Paros and a few other small places. It's not too long of a flight we mostly just spend time playing stupid card games that I keep loosing. It doesn't help that all she does is laugh at me and my struggles. Not long later we are landing in sunny Santorini airport. The minute we get off the plane you can feel the sun on your skin. Going through the security was quick enough before being greeted with a guy with our names on it to take us to the hotel.

Moments later we are laying on our bed. "Shall we go and explore?" Lessi asks. "Yup let's go" I answer back sitting up. We end up just roaming around the city. And let me tell you it's absolutely stunning. The white buildings and all the lights and the sunset. Me and lessi are walking hand in hand ok the streets looking for something to eat. We pick a nice restaurant and try a lot of cultural food. It was hard as lessi is a bit of a picky eater but what can I say, at least she tried. I decided to bring up something that's been on my mind. "Lessi, what are you thinking about doing with your contract, I know it's up soon and you've had lots of offers from everywhere and even Barca, and I wouldn't hold you back but I would like to know, please" she takes a deep breath. "Y/n, I'm going to be honest, I don't really know what I'm going to do yes, I could stay in England or go to Barca or Lyon. It's one of the reasons I wanted to go on a holiday with you as I don't know what will happen" "I'll take that, and just know I'll anways be here to talk if you need it." "Thank you y/n" "come on let's go back it's time to get some sleep or not..." I give her a look. "Y/N STOPPP" she says embarrassingly.

It's been like this over the past few days. We go out and travel take a lot of pictures than move to another city. Let's also just say the nights have been eventful and we end up sleeping more during the day than night. We have also used the gyms a lot to keep up with our fitness.

Time has flown by really, all news of the euros and sponsorship deals and contracts and transfers are going around and I've been social media a lot more just to keep up with the world but making sure I don't get too distracted with it at the same time as I'm here with lessi and I find it hilarious, the rumours you see is incredibly funny. Apparently I'm rumoured to go to Barca, America and for some reason Italy all at the same time. The time I have spent with lessi has been amazing. We have come together to decide to put pictures with each other like kissing and holding hands in our posts as have decided to be more open about it. It did take lessi a while and me really, I think we both came from the idea that we didn't want to disappoint our family's with being gay, but nothing we can do now I guess.

We have a few more days left of our holiday. We have planned some hiking and swimming in the sea and eating food. We want to see and do as much as we can before pre season as that will be hell. Obviously we love football but the fitness testing is horrible, along with the tension of who will go and who will come into the club and if someone comes in, who's position do they take.

We are on the plane back to London where lessi will take a flight to Manchester as we both have sponsorship deals, media duties etc to sort out. It's quite sad we won't see each other in person as least for the next 2 weeks as we are full with things to do. We are currently spam posting pictures of our holidays. It's sad looking back at them but it also pushes us to make more trips in the near future.

Not long after we landed me and lessi were saying goodbye. "I'll see you soon" lessi says. "Ya hopefully" I say back with a smile, than with a hug and a kiss we are off in different directions. In my car I break down, not because I'm sad or anything but I'm happy with the progress of life that I've made. I've stopped self harming for now and I'm eating better and I'm not friends with toxic people. I think I'm ready to move out of Leah's place and start fresh for the new season. Now I just have to break it to her......


Got to be honest here, the reason I take a little longer between uploads is because I've been writing another book. It's in my drafts ready to be published in chunks when this one will be done.
Hint: it will be a more Spanish theme. Ola chica....

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