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Childe turned to the blonde haired traveler with a foxy grin, taking amusement in the pink tinted cheeks of the younger boy. Paimon was smiling sweetly as Aether coughed to his fist. Childe couldn’t help himself.

“What a shock loverboy, didn’t think you could catch someone like them.” Aether flushed deeper and Childe only grinned wider at the sight. He heard Zhongli huff from beside him in what sounded like light amusement.

Aether waved his hand. “You’ve got the wrong idea, they're only a friend of mine.”

“Mhm, that’s what they all say you know?”

Aether scoffed. “Don’t be so crass they’re really just like…” the traveler went quiet for a moment, his eyes glazed over slightly, but he came back himself quickly. “Like a sibling.” He smiled softly and Childe privately wondered what kind of person you were to get someone smiling like that.


Walking back to your inn with Ariel was nothing special. You truly couldn’t think of anything to do but you couldn’t stand the thought of walking around only to be called broke in a hundred different language by snooty as fuck business men who are probably more like con men than anything.

The streets of Liyue were bustling, as per usual, with people walking swiftly from shop to shop and place to place, looks of determination on their faces. Most of these people were on a mission. The majority of those who didn’t look like they had things to do, you could tell they’re tourists. Their foreign clothes put them out of places, a sense of cluelessness in their eyes as they tried to navigate the harbor.

You made your way through just fine, hanging out in Liyue was quite fun and one of the more beautiful places in the game, especially during Lantern Rite.

Ariel walked by your side, skillfully maneuvering his wings and body to avoid colliding with anybody walking past. “Any particular destination?” He questioned, dodging a rowdy young child trying to keep up with his speeding mother.

“Not really.” You replied. “Do you have anywhere that you want to go?”

He thought for a moment. “Can we stop by a jewelry store? I want to see the selections.”

“Want to find something better than what they had in Mond?” You teased.

He groaned. “I don’t know what it was but Mond had such a poor collection of jewelry. I mean really? They had nothing better? How ridiculous.”

“Hey,” you chided gently, mainly trying not to laugh. “Just because it’s not to your tastes doesn’t mean it’s bad.”

“I don’t know an angel in their right mind who would say it’s good.”

You snorted. “Well if all angels are like you I know exactly what their tastes are. Picky.”

Ariel looked offended. “I am not picky.”

“If you say so.” You laughed off his attempts at refuting your point till you guys found a jewelry shop. The selection was wide and beautiful. A multitude of different metals and gemstones gleamed in the sunlight streaming through the open windows.

The two of you perused the shop, breaking up in order to cover more ground. Looking through the different pieces you were awed by gold necklaces fitted with sharply cut gems, large circular earrings, and headpieces for occasions you weren’t privy to. You were in so much wonder by all the craftsmanship surrounding you, you completely forgot to look for jewelry Ariel liked.

He preferred more simplistic styles, of which Mond had little, which is why you had to get his ring custom made the way you wanted it. The selection before wasn't doing much in terms of catching your eye for your friend until the earrings.

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