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As interesting as it would be to meet Ningguang, you were denied entry. It was rather embarrassing to have joined Aether only to be told ‘Actually, the power of being the main character doesn’t get you everywhere. Sucks huh?’. So, no Ninggaung.

Now you were back at Wangshu in, pouting, hoping to meet your favorite Yaksha once more. You laid across the railing, tilting precariously, as if you were an elementary schooler seeing how far you could tilt your chair back before you fell on your ass, except this time you’d be falling off a high balcony. How safe.

That safety was proven when you tilted too far and fell off. You weren’t too worried about falling, as Ariel had been next to you, but when you felt unfamiliar arms wrap around your form, you squeaked. “What the hell!?”

In just a second, you were surrounded by black and green mist, appearing back in the balcony, still in the strangers protective arms. You were quickly placed down, and you turned only to see the yaksha you had been hoping for. A wide grin took your face. “Xiao! Hey, what’s- ow! Fuck!”

A karate chop to the top of your head had you scowling. It didn’t hurt too much. Honestly, you were exaggerating simply because of how rude it was, but you crossed your arms and narrowed your eyes somewhat playfully copying Xiao’s own angry stance “The hell, man?”

“You are a foolish mortal.” Xiao’s voice was angry and gravely.

“I’ve been called worse.” You muttered, and Xiao narrowed his eyes further.

“What could have possibly encouraged you to do something so stupid?”

“I was kinda bored.” When Xiao’s scowl deepened, you realized it was time to stop messing around. “Okay okay okay. I’m sorry. It was an accident. I didn’t mean to, I was just laying on the railing.”

“That is also stupid.”

“In hindsight, yes.” I concede. “And I am sorry for worrying you.”

Xiao scoffed, looking away slightly. “I wasn’t worried. It is my job to help any foolish mortals who stumble into doing something so ridiculous.”

A smirk creeps up on my face. “Yeah, okay. Thanks again.”

“What?” Xiao’s voice is a tad more aggressive than it was probably intended, and a barely there blush was on his cheeks. “Why are you smirking like that?”

“No reason.” You brush off chuckling. “What’re you doing here anyway? Shouldn’t you be out there, fighting demons and all that?”

Xiao sighs, and his stance loosens slightly, shoulders lessening in tenseness and brows unfurrowing. “It has been a rather slow day. Not many demons are about.”

“Good thing, or bad thing?”

Xiao tilts his head. “Depends. But it will be nothing I can’t handle.”

“I believe it.” I smile and jump up to sit on the railing, completely ignoring Xiao’s sigh of exasperation. “And how’ve you been?”

“How have… I been?”

“That is what I said.” I smile at Xiao’s confusion. “Been taking care of yourself? Brushing your hair? Eating? Taking a break or anything?”

“Why would I do any of that?”

“It’s self-care, dude. It helps your stress.”

Xiao’s eyebrows furrow in further confusion. “But I do not have stress.”

"Okay." You say slowly. "You might not realize you have stress, but you got stress."

"How would you know?"

𝚂𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝙰𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚝 [𝚐.𝚒 𝚟𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚜 𝚡 𝚐𝚗!𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛]Where stories live. Discover now