Chapter 1: Dawn of a New Life

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Two days later, Metropolis:

Y/N's POV:

Friday was my last day at Gotham Academy, maybe even Gotham City. My mom came to get me after school. I feel really bad leaving Harleen behind after Babs left not too long ago, but Harleen said we'll see each other again. Mom, Enchantress and I got to Metropolis where we found our new house. It has a nice view of Metropolis. I got a new phone, since Harleen destroyed my old one. I look out the window.

Enchantress: It's a lot nicer than your place in Gotham.

Y/N's Mind: I know, right? Back in Gotham, we never had a view like this.

I look down.

Enchantress: What's wrong?

Y/N's Mind: Nothing, it's just... Gotham may have been swarming with criminals, but I had friends there. I was very heartbroken when we left Harleen.

Enchantress: I thought you two already made it clear that you'll see each other again.

Y/N's Mind: We did, and we will. But it doesn't make it any less lonely...

Enchantress: But I'm here. I'm a part of you now. And besides, you'll make new friends in no time.

Y/N's Mind: Hm. Maybe.

I hear a knock on the door, it opens to reveal mom.

June: Hey, buddy. How are you settling in?

Y/N: Honestly, I'm not used to the clear skies. I can actually see the stars!

She laughs at that statement.

June: Heh. You're too used to Gotham.

Y/N: Yeah... This is gonna take a lot of getting used to.

June: Y/N. I know starting fresh will be tough. Especially since you're now sharing a body with a demon.

Enchantress: (offended) That "demon" has a name!

June: Trust me, it took forever for me to get used to her. But then we bonded, and we got close. Along the way, I met other magic users. I made new friends.

Y/N: Other magic users?

June: I'll introduce you someday. But for now...

She holds up a sheet of paper.

June: Here's your schedule for your new school.

I take it from her and read it.

Y/N: "Metropolis High"...

June: (nods) Yep. It's the only high school in Metropolis.

I put it on my nightstand.

June: Anyway, it's getting late. So, you should probably get some sleep. Tomorrow is your first day of school.

Y/N: Okay, goodnight, Mom.

She left my room, I closed the door and turned off the light. I lie down on my bed.

Y/N: (sighs) ...!

Enchantress: I can sense your fear. Are you nervous?

Y/N's Mind: Is it that obvious? I might not fit in.

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