Chapter 3: Debut

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The next day, Metropolis:

Y/N's POV:

It's after school. Enchantress said she wanted to train, but before we do that, she wants to explore the city.

Y/N's Mind: Hey, Enchantress? Is there a reason for why you want to explore Metropolis before we train?

Enchantress: Well, I was Astral Projecting while you were sleeping, and I found an interesting place that I'd like to check out.

Y/N's Mind: (confused) Astral... Projecting? What's that?

Enchantress: It's where your soul leaves your physical body while it's asleep, and you can go anywhere. I'll teach it to you some day.

Y/N's Mind: Ah, okay. So, where is this place you wanted to check out?

Enchantress: It's just a few blocks from here. I think it's called, "Sweet Justice". Just follow my lead.

Y/N's Mind: Sweet Justice? I think Babs said it's some kind of ice-cream store. Or maybe even a restaurant for sweets?

Enchantress: That's pretty much the same thing. But yeah, let's check it out.

Enchantress leads me around Metropolis and eventually, we found Sweet Justice.

Enchantress: Here we are. Let's go in.

Y/N's Mind: Why are we here again?

Enchantress: It's... just a place I wanted to check out.

Y/N's Mind: (smirks) You just want to eat some cake, don't you?

Enchantress: ...Maybe...?

Y/N's Mind: (smiles) Heh. I never pegged you for having a sweet tooth. Especially since you're a demon.

Enchantress: What can I say? I'm a woman with many surprises. June never really took me to many restaurants. Said she was "too afraid I'd go berserk" if I didn't like something.

Y/N's Mind: (scared) Uhh... Are you gonna destroy the city if you don't like what we eat?

Enchantress: Relax, Y/N. Sure, that's something I might've done years ago, but I'm a different demon now. If I don't like the food, I'll just take control and burn down the entire restaurant while sending everyone in it to the demon realm.

Y/N's Mind: ...

I think about it for a second.

Y/N's Mind: (shrugs) Fair enough. Let's go.

Not minding what Enchantress said she'd do, I open the door and walk in.

Y/N's Mind: Wow. It's very pink in here.

Enchantress: Just what you'd expect when entering a sweets shop.

I approach the front counter where a blonde boy has his back turned.

Y/N's Mind: Anything in particular you want?

Enchantress: Ask the man. Let's see what he recommends.

I ring the bell on the counter, alerting the boy that there's a customer.

Blonde-Boy: (smiles) Welcome to Sweet Justice! How can-

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