Chapter 2: First Night Out

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Y/N's Bedroom:

Y/N's POV:

It's late at night and I'm sitting in my bed reading the Grimoire. The TV is playing in the background. Enchantress and I decided that whenever we're alone, I can talk out loud. And when there are other people around, we talk telepathically.

Y/N: Hmm... Hey, Enchantress?

Enchantress: What's up?

Y/N: A lot of these spells look... very complicated...

Enchantress: Yeah, magic tends to be like that.

Y/N: Why can't you just teach me these? 

Enchantress: Y/N, I'm a demon. And most of the spells in this Grimoire are ones that I can't do. Which is why Xanadu gave you that book. But I can teach you dark magic and how to use our powers.

I look through the book.

Y/N: (sighs) Does Madame Xanadu really expect me to master all of these spells?

Enchantress: I think she wants you to learn at least a few. But mastering them will take time. Like I said, magic is complicated.


Before I say anything else, I get a call on my phone. I take it out to see whose calling me. It's actually a "video call".

Y/N: Harleen? I wonder what she wants.

I mute the TV. I answer the phone and I wave to the camera.

Y/N: (smiles) Hey, Harleen. What's up? 

Harleen: (dramatic) Y/N! I'm tellin ya, it's been miserable since ya left!

Y/N: Yikes! Did something happen?

Harleen: Since the Ace Chemicals attack, Gotham Academy has been all over the news! A lot of students died, and the people are demanding answers on why the school just went on like nothing happened.

Y/N: (surprised) Wait, really?

I think for a second.

Y/N: Now that you mention it, after the attack and before I left, most of the teachers did pretend nobody died. And when they were asked about the attack, they just quickly changed the subject.

Harleen: Exactly! And now, there's a movement calling for Gotham Academy to be shut down. Even Bruce Wayne thinks the school needs to close!

Y/N: (shocked) Seriously? It's so bad that even Bruce Wayne, Gotham's most notorious playboy, is calling the school out?!

Harleen: Ya got it! So, it won't be long before I have no school to go to! Not that care, now that you and Babs are gone...

Y/N: (sympathetic) Harleen...

She changes the subject.

Harleen: But enough about me! How are your new digs?

Y/N: (smiles) It's pretty cool actually. You'd be surprised how bright Metropolis is compared to Gotham. Even during the night. 

Harleen: (shocked) No way, really?! I gotta check it out!

Y/N: (gasps) Yeah! You gotta come up here at some point!

Harleen: What about your new school? How's that?

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