Chapter 4: After School Club

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The next morning:

Y/N's POV:


I very groggily wake up and turn my alarm off. I sit up and stretch.

Y/N: (yawns) Good morning...

Enchantress: (tired) Morning, Y/N... Ready for training after school?

I slap myself to wake up.

Y/N: Yeah... You know it.

Enchantress: We should probably stay away from the city to avoid crime fighting.

Y/N: Yeah, that's a good idea. I'm not exactly ready to fight supervillains yet. I mean, I already fought Poison Ivy once, but she probably escaped. She always does.

Enchantress: Well, let's get going.

I stretch one more time and get out of bed. I slowly but surely walk out of the room and go to he top of the stairs.

June: (shouts) Y/N? Are you up? Can you come down here? I need to talk to you and Enchantress about something.

Enchantress: (sighs) Great... here it comes... I have a feeling on what it's about.

Y/N's Mind: You did say she was going to find out sooner or later.

Y/N: (shouts) Coming, mom.

We go downstairs to the living room, and we see mom.

June: (smiles) Morning, Y/N. How was your sleep?

Y/N: Meh. It was just... alright. So, what did you wanna talk about?

June: I've been thinking, Y/N. And maybe you should join a club at your school.

Y/N: (confused) Excuse me? A club?

June: Yeah. You know, actually do something after school.

Y/N: But I already do magic practice after school.

June: No, I mean socially.

I tilt my head.

Y/N: (confused) Uh...

Enchantress: She means she wants you to do things with your new friends after school.

Y/N's Mind: But my training-

She cuts me off.

Enchantress: Will have to wait until the weekend. 

Y/N's Mind: What do you think? 

Enchantress: I normally never agree with June, but this is an exception.

Y/N's Mind: Fiiine...

Y/N: (sighs) Enchantress says I should go for it.

Mom smiles at that.

June: Good! Listen to her. Now, get dressed, and get to school.

Y/N's Mind: Really? Without breakfast?

Enchantress: We'll pick something up on the way.

Y/N: Okay.

June: Oh, and Y/N?

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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