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You're not sure you gained anything other than companionship from your time in the Undercroft that night, but that is what he's offering you, after all.

Fortunately for you, Sebastian Sallow's company isn't the only one you have to your disposal. Not when Poppy and Natsai exist.

Walking down towards Hogsmeade on a chilly, but sunny, Saturday morning, provides you with more comfort than you're willing to admit. With Poppy and Natsai by your side, the tension from your shoulders dissipates into nothing and your eyes find their spark once more. Somethings Sebastian will never be able to achieve.

"I've been craving butterbeer for weeks," Natsai sighs heavily, staring dreamily down the path. You're singing from the same hymn sheet, you just know it.

"So have I," you decide to tune in.

The Three Broomsticks; a safe haven for the entire Hogwarts population. Business is usually booming during school terms, and you're still baffled by how well Sirona keeps her tavern under control.

"I hope it isn't too busy today," Poppy chimes in. "Last time I went in there we were packed in so tight I thought someone was going to crush me!"

You think about Poppy crammed in a gloomy tavern and wrinkle your nose, "That sounds awful."

She nods, grey cloud hanging over her head, "It was, I just wanted to get a drink, and maybe talk to Sirona for a little. But none of that happened."

"I'm sure we'll have better luck today," Natsai smiles, eyes turning back to the horizon as familiar buildings begin to peak over the top. "I've not seen many students on their way down yet. We're early."

"And it's already late morning," you say in disbelief. You're usually up bright and early — though, that might just be the nightmares.

"Some like a lazy Saturday," Natsai shrugs her shoulders, chuckling as she adds, "I don't blame them either."

And neither do you. You wish you could feel the lay-in experience once more, but sleep is now your worst enemy.

You shake that thought away just as you reach the entrance to Hogsmeade. For a Saturday, the cobble paths remain relatively empty, with a few residents shuffling their way from shop to shop, and several chimneys smoking. The birds sing through the trees all the while, their tune melting into your heart.

Poppy and Natsai guide you towards the tavern, the song of the birds gradually drifting away from your ears and the sound of glass against wood replacing it.

The Three Broomsticks smells of fine drink and rustic oak wood, captivating you in a whirlwind of nostalgia. The place isn't too busy for a Saturday, much like the outside, with a few regulars and nothing more. The dull hum of unaudible chatter fills your ears, proving a strange sense of comfort.

"Morning," Sirona nods her head in acknowledgement, hands busy cleaning an empty glass. "What can I get for you?"

"Three butterbeers, please," Poppy beats you both to it, a sweet smile across her face.

Sirona returns the smile, putting the now dried glass underneath the counter with the cloth, "Coming right up."

Poppy thanks her, before turning to you and Natsai, "I'll pay for you today. My treat."

Natsai tilts her head to one side, "That's very kind. Are you sure?"

Poppy grins and nods earnestly, "Of course! I asked you to accompany me, it's the least I can do."

"Thank you, Poppy," you take a step backwards. "I'll find a table."

And you do just that. Weaving between the different sets of tables and chairs, you home in on a small but suitable area near the far corner of the tavern. It's perfect for just the three of you and your respective drinks, and so you settle in.

Not long after, Natsai and Poppy join you with full glasses, Poppy on your right and Natsai on your left. You barely remember your manners before knocking back almost half a glass of butterbeer, desperately thirsty. The drink runs through your throat like honey, coating your senses in memories and sugar. You gulp loudly, but you don't care how irritating it is. You need this.

Around the rest of the table, your friends remain silent throughout the ordeal, and can only stare when you lower your glass with a foam moustache across your top lip. Blinking several times, your eyes flit between the two of them innocently, "What?"

Natsai breaks the silence first with a fit of laughter, Poppy's face following with a grin, while you remain none the wiser.

She says your name with mock disappointment, before continuing on with, "It's like you haven't drunk for days."

Wiping the back of your hand across your mouth, you glance back into the rich liquid in your glass, "I feel like I haven't."

"Maybe we should come here more often," Poppy giggles into her glass. "Then you won't need to inhale your drink like that."

You nod your head and laugh along, finally feeling like yourself again. It hasn't been long, but you've missed both of them in your company.

Poppy clears her throat awkwardly when she sets her butterbeer down on the table, hands hugging the sides. Attention drawn to her, she turns to you, "I did want to ask you something, though."

"Go ahead," you invite her, taking another sip of your own butterbeer. "What is it?"

She regards you nervously, lowering her eyes to the table, "Your nightmares...are they any better? Natsai said you'd spoken to Professor Weasley."

Ah, you should've expected that little lie to get back to her. Thick as thieves is your little group of three, and you could describe it as both irritating and useful.

You choose to ignore the second part of her question, "Sort of. I have a silencing charm over my bed when I sleep so I'm not sure if I'm still noisy, but the dreams aren't as...intense as they used to be."

You're not sure whether or not you're trying to lie to them or convince yourself that everything is fine. The nightmares never faded; they never do.

"How long have you had them for, if you don't mind me asking?" Natsai presses for more information, finger tapping rhythmically on her glass.

"It's fine," you smile softly, eyes wandering across the expanse of the tavern. "I've always had them since...everything, but they don't really affect me much anymore. You just learn to live with them."

Poppy furrows her brow, "But it's not nice to always have them."

"You get used to it," you explain, shifting in your seat a little. "But enough about me, I want to hear about what you guys are up to lately."

Poppy giggles again, "You see us all the time, you already know that!"

"I'm making conversation," you roll your eyes with a smile. "Ever heard of that before, Poppy?"

And, just like that, the uncomfortable atmosphere disappears into nothing.

Sinner // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now