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Blood lined the floors of the arena.

The Devines didn't seem to care to clean up the messes that former competitors left.

Around the arena, humans sat watching for the next fight. They sat, their shackles chained into the ground.

Noaah personally didn't even know why humans resided in Terra del Diavolo. He wasn't sure what use the Devines would have for them.

Eat their flesh maybe? He wasn't sure. Demons were a mystery to him.

Roars and cheers echoed as Noaah entered the room.

The werewolf who entered the ring, who Noaah believed his name to be George, snarled. Even still being in human-form, George was terrifying. He had to be about six-and-a-half feet tall, while Noaah was only about five-two-and-a-quarter.

Rarguun, the biggest name of any of the Devines, announced their names, calling George 'Beast' and Noaah 'Snowy'.

"Hey, big guy," Noaah started to say as he approached George. "Maybe we can work this out. We don't need to fight-"

George swung, hitting Noaah in the face, and making him fall to the ground.

"That had to hurt." Rarguun snickered.

Noaah pushed himself off the cold, stone ground. He grunted in pain. "Uh, okay. Not what I had in mind." He looked at George once again. "I wanted us to talk y'know... You know how to talk, right?"

George grumbled.

"Not exactly," Noaah started. "You have to open your mouth and make sounds. It's not that hard honestly."

That earned him another punch.

"Not a big talker," Noaah started to say as he stumbled to his feet once again. "Noted."

When Noaah turned to face George again, he was in wolf form; he snarled, barring his razor sharp fangs.

"F-fuuuck," Noaah began.

Rarguun's voice rang out, "Exciting!" He clapped.

Noaah immediately ran in the opposite direction with George on his heels. If I can wear him out, maybe I'll have a chance, Noaah thought to himself. Otherwise, I'll probably die a horrible, gruesome death. Not fun.

For so long, Noaah spent running in circles around the arena--which many of the Devines, including Rarguun, boo'ed at.

Finally, Noaah propelled himself further, placing his foot on the wall of the arena, attempting to somewhat run up it. He boosted himself off the wall, with his arm outstretched and his hand in a closed fist.

His first made contact the wolf George's neck, knocking George back into human form.

"Not so tough now?" Noaah started sounding a little too overconfident. He swallowed when George stood, towering over him at his full height. "I'm sorry."

George threw him right into the wall.

"Damn," Noaah cursed after he groaned. He pulled away from the wall that had a crack in it. He dusted himself off. "Rude." He directed that comment at George.

George angrily grunted at him.

"Alright, alright," Noaah started. "You asked for this." Noaah ran around him in circles, hitting him with a barrage of high speed punches.

Noaah had quickly earned a name for himself in Terra del Diavolo in the past as the fastest competitor. He practically had superspeed--that's not something many other competitors can claim to.

After Noaah delivered a powerful punch to the gut, George stumbled backward.

Noaah meant to punch George in the chest. He really did. He didn't mean to do what he actually did.

Noaah's arm shot forward as such incredible velocity that it burst though George's chest.

Noaah's violet eyes grew wide with horror as his arm remained in its place.

After several moments passed, Noaah finally pulled his arm out of George's chest, accidentally having a grip on George's own heart, and pulling that out alongside his arm.

George collapsed backward and blood spurted out of his chest cavity. He whimpered before falling still.

"Sorry!" Noaah apologized to the corpse before his gaze drifted over to George's heart that still resided in his hand.

It was bloody. It made blood trickle down Noaah's arm.

Noaah was both terrified and in awe by his own feat. He tried to ignore the blood everywhere which seemed to weirdly have a hankering for. He salivated a little. He so dearly wanted to slap himself out of his own daze.

Silence still loomed over the arena--it had been like that since Noaah's arm first went through George's chest.

"Interesting," Rarguun simply said before cheers sounded off.

Noaah dropped the heart, back into the corpse's chest cavity, mumbling, "You can have that back." Then he bowed for the Devines.

─┉─¡! • !¡─┉─

After Noaah returned to his cage, he sat silently. He had already made sure to extensively wash the blood off his hand and arm.

He sat in silence for hours as the others in the cages slept.

"Impressive feat out there," a voice started to call out, referring to Noaah's battle in the arena earlier that day.

Noaah's gaze drifted over to the figure.

It was a Syrian boy about a year older than him--he had dark hair and red eyes. His dark cloak was draped around his body. He stood outside of Noaah's cage. "I'm Altaïr Siraj," he introduced.

"Noaah," Noaah told him.

"Can I give you friendly advice, Noaah?"

Noaah was almost afraid to ask. "What?"

Altaïr shifted his weight onto the other leg. "I would've refrained from doing that. You know... What you did to the werewolf."

Noaah raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"Well, you're probably on Rarguun's radar now...more so than before," Altaïr began to tell Noaah, exposing the fangs in the top of his mouth. "...You're in danger."

"Wait, what?" Noaah blinked a couple of times. "What do-" He froze.

Altaïr was already gone.

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