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Noaah blinked a few times in disbelief. "Come again?" He laughed a little. "I could've sworn you said you were going to break me out of here…"

     Altaïr chuckled to himself. "That is the plan, yes?"

     "Yeah… That's what we discussed," Evangelos's voice rang out as he entered the cell as well.

     "Evangelos," Noaah breathed. Noaah looked past Evangelos to the shape shifting in the back. "Azeline?" He called out.

    Azeline poked her face out from behind Evangelos. She had a big bruise around her right eye that anyone could see from a mile away. "Bonjour, Noaah!" She waved to him, rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet.

      So… Somehow Azeline has still managed to stay peppy even while being tortured… Weird, Noaah thought to himself.

      "Evangelos got me out of my cell," Azeline told Noaah as she entered the room as well. "He's fought off a couple of the guards for me too!"

      Noaah's heart dropped. "You guys tipped off the guards? Don't you guys know this place will be swarming in Devines in a few moments then?"

      "Yeah, we may have had a few run-ins with the guards," Evangelos began to explain to the younger siren. "But they didn't alert anyone…" He shifted his weight onto the other leg.

    "Then what happened?" Noaah queried.

   Evangelos sucked in a breath. "Let's just say the Devines need to keep a closer eye on their essence of Xuviphas supply."

     Azeline bounced up and down. "Altaïr drank their blood! His eyes turned all murky, dark… They turned black," the French girl began to explain. "And Evangelos snapped the necks of the guards… It was so cool!"

    "Good, good… They might've not been able to alert anyone else of your plan, but what happens if other Devine guards come across the bodies and find out that Azeline and I are missing?" Noaah questioned.

    "By then, we'll be long gone." Altaïr pushed on forward, until he was standing right in front of Noaah. The vampire swallowed. "I hope."

       Well, that does wonders for me, Noaah thought to himself.

      "Give me a second…" Altaïr began to tell Noaah. "I'll have you down in no time." Altaïr lurched forward, using the wall to elevate himself. He reached up for the right chain. He pushed a small pin into the lock and twisted it around.

     Noaah's right arm dropped. He eyed Altaïr as the vampire hopped over to the other side to work on the left lock. "Are you sure this is a wise idea? I mean, what's going to happen when you unlock my other arm?"

    "Sirens are supposed to land on their feet, do they not?" Altaïr began as he pushed the pin into the left lock. "I've heard they're like cats in at respect…" Altaïr's Syrian accent echoed through the room.

     Minutes passed as Altaïr showed no signs of success. Altaïr pulled the pin out and examined the lock. He gawked at the chain as he noticed how part of it was buried under Noaah's skin.

     "What?" Noaah asked as Altaïr backed away.

     Altaïr swallowed. "It's buried in your skin… and it's enchanted."

     Noaah looked over to the chain as he yanked himself to the side.

     Pain tore through Noaah as he continued to yank.

     Part of the chain fell down, sending more spikes into Noaah's left arm, which all hooked themselves.

     Noaah took a deep breath before he yanked more aggressively.

     Evangelos and Altaïr's eyes grew wide. Evangelos closed his eyes right before placing his hands over Azeline's eyes.

    Altaïr turned, facing away from Noaah and covering his ears—-trying to shield himself from the blood-chilling screams.

    Noaah continued to yank, trying to ignore the pain. Finally after hearing loud tearing noises and snapping noises, he fell to the ground, most of the pain gone.

    Noaah struggled to his feet before looking over to to his now missing left arm. His purple gaze wandered over to the chains and where his arm still hung. Noaah vomited in his mouth before quickly looking away and rushing over to Altaïr.

    Altaïr gawked at Noaah's lack of a left arm.

    "I wanna get out of here as soon as possible," Noaah told him.

     Altaïr nodded before leading Noaah, Azeline, and Evangelos into the corridor.

     Noaah's gaze shifted to a nearby cell that housed a familiar lilac-haired boy. "Wait," he called, to which the others stopped in their tracks.

     Noaah rushed toward the cell door, took a deep breath, and kicked it in.

     Vyykium slid out of his binds and ran over to Noaah. "What's going on?"

     "It's a jail break," Noaah commented. "Now come on!"

     The group continued on a little further down the corridor until a figure stepped out of the shadows and stood right in their path.

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