Chapter Two

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To People You Don't
Chapter Two
Morning Madness

Stuart Macher groaned as Melaine Alden's alarm clock went off

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Stuart Macher groaned as Melaine Alden's alarm clock went off.

He could tell Melaine wasn't gonna wake up once it had been going off for five minutes.

Cindy Alden knocks on the door and pushes it open with her spare key.

"Wake her up Stuart" Cindy says throwing the stuffed bear that laid on Melanie's floor at the pair.

Stu questioned how the woman knew he was there but he remembered something Laine had told him once.

Cindy Alden always knows.

Cindy had always surprisingly knew when Stu was over.

Melaine and Stu never knew how but she always did.

Stu begins to shake the brunette keeping his eyes closed as Cindy turns the light on.

"Wake up Lainey" Stu groans.

The brunette gasps awake as Stu yanks the pillow from underneath her head.

"Stu" she shouts annoyed.

Cindy clears her throat drawing attention to herself.

"Mom" she shouts surprised.

"Melaine Elizabeth Alden you already know I know that he's here so why do you try to hide it" she questions.

"How do you always know?" Melaine questions.

"Because Cindy Alden" she starts before Laine joins in with her.

"Always knows." The pair say simultaneously.

Melaine raises her arms in defense.

"I know" she says. "And you didn't come up here last night?" Laine says. "Why don't you care he stays the night?"

"Because I did the same thing" Cindy rolls her eyes. "Get up and take a shower."

"Why" the girls questions. "I took one last night."

Cindy eyes the pair, "me and your dad heard y'all last night." She discloses. "Shower, get dressed, and come down for breakfast." She goes to walk out before turning back. "You to Stuart."


The pair walk down the stairs, hands intertwined and all eyes turn to them.

Benjamin Alden glared at Stu Macher as they sat down next to each other.

Micheal Alden had to contain his smirk noticing his dads harsh glare.

"You two had an eventful night" Benjamin said placing down his coffee.

The teens faces turned a bright red as Lainey pulled her hands away to cover her face.

"Benji" Cindy Alden scolds the man.

"Why" Micheal wondered aloud. "They did."

"Shut up Mikey" Melaine says.

"I told you not to call me that" Micheal says annoyed.

"Stuart why aren't you talking" Ben asks.

"You guys embarrassed him dad" Laine says.

"No" Stu says quickly. "Im just still half asleep."

"Coffees on the sink" Cindy explains quickly bringing the plate of bacon over to the table and placing it down.

Stu gets up and walks over to the sink and grabs a cup from the cabinet.

He begins to pour him a cup as Laine reaches for some bacon.

Before she could even touch a single piece Micheal smacks her hand away reaching for it before she could touch any.

"Micheal!" She shouts annoyed. "Mom, tell him to share!"

"Share Micheal" Cindy demands.

"He smacked me" the brunette says under her breath.

Lainey pulls her hand into a fist and punches her twin brother very hard.

"Ahhh" he screams in pain griping his arm.

"Melaine" Cindy says harshly, glaring at her daughter.

"He hit me first" she insists as Stu joins his seat beside her.

"I didn't hit you that hard" Micheal whines with his mouth hanging wide open.

Cindy shoves a piece of toast in her sons mouth to shut him up before looking at Melaine with a challenging look.

The blonde closes her mouth with a sigh.

"I love your mom" Stu whispers quietly.

"Im honored" Cindy says loudly smiling at the boy.

Benjamin was still glaring at Stu and Laine was munching in some bacon.

Stu glanced around the room as he reach for the spatula to pick up a fried egg.

His family was nothing like this.

They were always gone meaning he was left to fend for himself.

His mom never woke him up to tell him to get ready for school then come down to eat breakfast.

She never even made breakfast when she was home.

And her and his dad being home was very rare.

Stu deeply wished his family was like the Alden's.

But the Alden's made him feel like he was apart of their family.

And he could definitely get used to that.


724 words!!!!!

Eggs< bacon/sausage

I always want eggs and then I fix em and they give me the ick

Anyway sad Stu.

Laineys dad is played by Thomas Gibson.

I haven't decided for her mom so leave fc ideas for her mom in the comments.

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