Chapter Nine

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To People You Don't
Chapter Nine
I Fucking Hate You

To People You Don'tChapter NineI Fucking Hate You|3RD PERSON POV|

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Ghostface walked down the stairs of Stu Machers home.

Billy Loomis was standing at door as he twisted the lock to close it after letting Randy Meeks in.

"He's gone mad!" Randy shouted.

Billy turns around slowly, "we all go a little mad sometimes" he whispers raising the gun and pointing it at Randy.

Sidney Prescott grabbed the boys hand as she began to protest, "no! Billy!" She shouted.

Randys mouth fell agape as he muttered. "Oh, fuck!"

Billy pulled the trigger as ghostface still stood on the stair case going unnoticed.

Sidney panicked as she rushed towards the boy who now laid on the ground.

Billy smirked as he scratched his head with the gun in hand.

"Anthony Perkins 'Psycho.'" He chuckles.

Sidney turned to the boy raising up from the ground with a horrified look.

"Mmm" Billy moaned as he licked the fake blood off of his fingers. "Corn syrup." He licked his lips. "Same stuff they used for pig's blood in 'Carrie.' Stu."

Sidney shook her head slightly tears invading her eyes.

She turned but ran right into Stu who had a sad look over his face.

Noticing who she ran into she whined "Help me, please."

Stu Macher looks down at her girl with a grin as he brings a white box from his pocket up to his mouth.

The ghostface from the stairs cuts the corner while the girl was distracted and walks into the living room.

He hits a button on the box "Surprise, Sidney." His grin grows.

Sidney stiffens as she looks at the boy before turning back to Billy.

The latter morphed his mouth into an O shape as Sidney quickly looked back.

She pushed Stu away from her quickly as she b lined for the kitchen.

Billy sprinted for the other door as Stu yelled, "Ooh!"

The ghostface in the kitchen went to grab the girl but Billy Loomis had made it to the door

"Woah now. Whoa." Billy said nonchalantly as he caught the voice changer, all while pointing the gun at Sidney Prescott. "What's the matter, Sidney? You look like you've seen a ghost."


Melaine Alden woke up and blinked slowly, trying to adjust her eyes to the light.

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