Chapter Four

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To People You Don't
Chapter Four
Jail Bird

To People You Don'tChapter FourJail Bird|3rd PERSON POV|

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Melaine Alden needed someone to talk to.

Someone who would give her good advice.

Cindy Alden was a no go. She would go psycho.

Benjamin Alden, definitely not. He would probably kill them, then bring them back just to lecture them on safe sex.

Stuart Macher, hell no. She didn't want to ask him for advice weather or not to tell him.

Micheal Alden, no. He would go ballistic.

Billy Loomis, no way in hell. He would run to Stu's house to tell him

Tatum Riley, no, no, no. She would tell Micheal.

Randy Meeks. No. They weren't close and she wasn't going to trust his big mouth with a secret pregnancy.

Sidney Prescott was her most prominent choice.

She wouldn't tell anyone if Laine asked her not to.

So she told her parents she was going to see Sid and left for her house.

They had questioned her seeing as it was around seven o'clock.

When she had arrived she saw Billy Loomis running towards Sidney's window, and she heard a scream.

Melaine had sprinted to catch up with Billy but by the time she had got to the window Billy was hugging Sidney.

"What's going on?" She questioned as she climbed through the window.

"Lainey?" Sidney questions when all of a sudden a telephone dropped from Billy's pocket.

Sidney slowly turned to look at him in shock as Billy looked at her confused.

Lainey looks at the ground but doesn't think anything off it because she also had a telephone.

"What?" He questions as the brunette backs up. "Sid, what?"

Sidney shakes her head at the both of them and turns around quickly and runs off.

"Whoa, whoa, wait, wait." Billy begins to run after as Melaine came to the conclusion that she thought her and Billy were the killers.

Melanie's mouth fell agape as she also begin to run after the girl.

"Wait, Sidney, wait! Wait, wait, wait, wait! Come on!" Billy shouts as Sidney ran down the stairs and Melaine approached his side.

"Sidney you can't be serious" Lainey shouted after the girl as she quickly opened the door.

Once Sid opens the door she comes face to face with a ghostface mask making the girl scream as she covers her mouth.

To People You Don't - Stu Macher - 1Where stories live. Discover now