Chapter Six

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To People You Don't
Chapter Six

Woodsboro High School had let out early due to one Sidney Prescott being attacked in the bathroom

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Woodsboro High School had let out early due to one Sidney Prescott being attacked in the bathroom.

Stu Macher had drove Melaine Alden home and dropped her off saying he had to do something important and then they could go look for movies.

Stu immediately drove to Billy Loomis' home.

He knocked on the boys door and walked in before anyone could answer.

He walked straight towards the boys room but saw him when he was halfway there.

Billy had gone down stairs to see who knocked to see the intruder making his way towards the boys room.

"We need to talk." Stu says letting out a sigh. Billy went to open his mouth but was cut of by Stu opening his. "Right now."


"So" Billy Loomis began. "You want to postpone the murders because you and your girlfriend had makeup sex?"

"No" Stu Macher declined. "I wanna put off the murders because I knocked my girlfriend up" Stu says shaking his head like it was obvious.

"That's the exact same thing I said" Billy says annoyed.

"Listen all I need it nineteen" Stu says throwing his hands up in the air.

Billy scoffs as he begins to take steps towards the boy intimidatingly. "We're doing the murders tonight. Weather you like it or not." Billy says now up in Stu's face.

Stu looks away at the wall, "what about Lainey?"

"I don't fucking know" Billy whisper shouts. "Drug her if you have to!"

"That would hurt the baby." Stu says protectively.

The didn't know the babies gender yet, they didn't have a name for the baby yet, the baby wasn't even born yet and Stu was a better father than his father was.

"If you want her to live do something about her" the other boy snaps.


Melaine Alden had just put her party outfit on and began to get her rubber bands when her mother walked into the room.

Cindy Alden walked up behind the brunette and placed her hands on her shoulders.

"You've been locked up in here for hours" she says. "What's wrong?"

"I told Stu" Lainey mutters.

"And he didn't want it?" Cindy questions. "I'll do it" she whispers when the girl goes to begin braiding her air.

"No" Lainey shoots down her mother words about Stu. "He said he wouldn't let me do it alone." She explains.

"Then why are you so down?" Cindy questions as she begins to part her hair into sections.

"I'm scared." Laine says her voice cracking.

"Oh honey" Cindy says dropping her daughters hair and spinning her chair around to face her. "Being scared is completely understandable."

"I feel so alone" she says as tears begin to fall down her face.

Cindy pulls her daughter into her arms as the younger girl burys her head into her mother shoulder.

Cindy rubs her hand up and down her daughters back as Melaine sobs.

"I promise everything's going to be fine" Cindy whispers as she leans down to kiss her daughters forehead. "You and Stu are gonna be great parents."

Cindy pulls away from her daughter but keeps her hands on the younger girls arms.

"I'm gonna tell you the story about why your dad and I got married so young." Cindy says.

Melaine nods wiping her eyes.

She had yet to do her makeup so she was gonna be fine in that front.

"When I was seventeen I found out I was pregnant." Cindy begins. "I went to my mother to ask her for help but she yelled at me. She called your fathers parents and we all had a set down at the kitchen table. My parents said we had to get married or me and the baby would be disowned." Tears pierced the woman's eyes. "So me and Benji had a small wedding down at the court house with our parents. A week after our wedding I started bleeding badly and I went to the hospital and they said I had miscarried." Tears fall from the woman's eyes as her daughter sets across from her with her mouth agape. "My parents were so angry with me like it was my fault. I have never spoken to them since they yelled at me for my baby dying." She explains. "But everything got better." Cindy reaches across to her daughter to push a few strands of hair behind her ear. "And everything will get better for you."


747 words!!!!

Y'all Benji and Cindy have a sad freakin backstory I'm so sorry.

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