Chapter Three

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To People You Don't
Chapter Three
Screaming And Fighting

To People You Don'tChapter ThreeScreaming And Fighting|3RD PERSON POV|

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!Flash Back!

Two Months Prior

Melaine Alden was done.

She was angry.


She was livid.

No one was at The Macher household except Stu Macher and she knew that because minutes before she got the news Stu had called her.

She hopped into her car and drove to Stus home.

When she arrived she knocked on the door.

Stu opened the door and smiled at the girl.

"Hey" he greeted leaning in to kiss her. "What are you doing here? You aren't supposed to be here til later."

Lainey turned her head, promoting him to place a kiss on her cheek.

"We need to talk" she says pushing past him and walking into the house.

Stu sighs, closing the door and following her in. "What's wrong?"

The brunette balled her hand ip into a fist.

"I know what happened Stu" she says angrily.

"What?" He questions, raising his eyebrows.

"I know you kissed another girl at that party" she informs him anger evident in her eyes.

"Lainey" he starts grabbing her wrists gently. "I was-"

Melaine cuts him off jerking her wrists back, "don't Lainey me Stu!" She yells.

"I was gonna tell what happened when you came over today!" He claims.

The brunette rolls her eyes.

"She kissed me Lainey" he says, walking towards her. "Whoever that girl was she kissed me and I pulled away."

The girl scoffs.

"Whoever you heard that from lied to you." He tells her. "She kissed me and I pulled away." He repeats.

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