Chapter 2

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Y/n lived alone in a modest house with four rooms: two bedrooms, a living room, and a bathroom. She earned her living through tailoring. Despite the town being home to many other tailors and seamstresses, Y/n's unique craftsmanship drew a sizable and loyal clientele who preferred her creations.

Two weeks had passed since Akaza's last visit, and Y/n found herself eagerly anticipating his return. Her excitement was palpable; Akaza intrigued her, and she longed to learn more about him. The wait, however long it might be, seemed worth it for the sake of this enigmatic friend she had made.

Her patience was rewarded one night when Akaza finally returned. She was asleep when he knocked on her door. After several unanswered knocks, he furrowed his brows and began to walk away, assuming she was deep in slumber and not wanting to disturb her rest. Demons, after all, didn't need sleep like humans did.

Just as Akaza was about to leave, Y/n flung open the door, her face lit up with a smile that he had missed during his absence. She looked like she had rushed from her room to answer the door, which she had, given her anticipation.

"You shouldn't open your door at this hour," Akaza chided gently, his brow raised. "What if it wasn't me and someone with ill intentions?"

"If someone intended to harm me, they wouldn't bother knocking, whether human or demon," Y/n replied confidently, stepping aside to invite him in for a cup of tea.

Akaza sighed, touched by her offer despite knowing that demons like him, who craved human flesh, found no pleasure in human food. Nevertheless, he entered her home and sat on a cushion near a classic Japanese table. Y/n closed the door and went to the kitchen to prepare tea.

Returning with a smile, she set the cup down in front of him and took a seat across the table. "You don't eat human food?" she asked, tilting her head inquisitively.

"We don't," Akaza explained, taking a polite sip of the tea despite its unappealing taste to him. "We crave flesh, and human food tastes awful to us."

"Would you eat my flesh too?" Y/n asked, resting her elbow on the table and her chin in her hand.Akaza scoffed, his expression softening. "I don't harm women. Eating their flesh would be the last thing I'd do."

"You're really kind, Akaza-san. Would you like to rest for the night?" she offered.

After a moment's hesitation, Akaza nodded. "Very well," he replied, settling down on his spot with his hands behind his head.

Y/n giggled, making Akaza glance at her, his eyes softening further. "What’s so funny?" he asked, his tone less stoic than usual.

"Akaza-san, there's another room where you can rest. No need to sleep here," she said, leading him to the spare bedroom.

Akaza followed her like a lost puppy, raising an eyebrow but complying. She gestured for him to settle in, and after a brief hesitation, he did.

"Good night," she wished him, closing the door softly behind her, leaving Akaza surrounded by an unfamiliar warmth.

Warmth was what he felt for the first time.


Akaza had intended to rest for only a few hours before returning to his usual haunt before sunrise. Instead, he slept through the night, waking up to find the room still dark. All the windows were covered with black curtains, replacing the white ones from before.

He stepped into the living room and kitchen to find the same changes. The only light came from candles burning softly. Y/n was in the kitchen, humming a melodious tune as she cooked.

"I heard demons aren't immune to sunlight, so I changed the curtains to black so you could rest comfortably," she said, glancing over her shoulder before returning to her task.

Soft, invisible bubbles of warmth surrounded Akaza. "Th-thank you," he stuttered for the first time in his life before a human.

"How do you earn your bread?" he asked, sitting on the same cushion as the previous night.

"I'm a seamstress and self-employed, so I don’t have to worry about anyone ordering me around," she replied, serving herself breakfast and pouring tea.

"I'll be going out today, Akaza-san. Will you be fine alone?" she asked, finishing her meal.

"Sure, I will," he assured her.

"Fine then. I'll do the dishes and get going. I might come home late, so if you leave while I'm out, please leave a note," she said with a soft smile.

Akaza couldn't understand why her kindness and generosity irritated him. Wasn’t he supposed to scare her away? Yet here he was, nodding obediently like a loyal dog.

Y/n felt completely at ease leaving her house in Akaza’s care. She trusted him implicitly. His every word about not harming women rang true. Unlike many men who had tried to take advantage of her living alone, Akaza was different. He was respectful and kind.

In a world where men often saw women as mere objects, Akaza treated them as they should be treated: as human beings. He understood this better than most humans, and Y/n no longer felt lonely.

Warmth was what she felt.



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