Chapter 37

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Thank you so much for 6k!! 😭😭✨✨

So.......there's smut at the end! Enjoy <333333



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For the past two months, Akaza had been diligently searching for a home, finally securing one with the help of Yoshiro. As he entered the house that evening, he found Y/n peacefully sleeping on the floor, a half-finished kimono draped over her. His lips twitched into a small smile as he quietly moved past her, careful not to make a sound, and headed to his room. He swiftly laid out the futon on the floor, preparing a comfortable place for her to rest.

Returning to the living room, Akaza approached Y/n with a gentle gaze. He carefully lifted the kimono she was sewing, setting it aside before scooping her up into his arms. His heart swelled with affection as he looked down at her serene, sleeping face. Carrying her to his room, he gently laid her on the futon, his hand coming to rest tenderly on her abdomen. Though her baby bump had yet to show, the significance of the life growing inside her filled him with a deep sense of joy and responsibility.


kaza smiled to himself, a thought sparking his curiosity. Bending down, he leaned his ear against Y/n’s belly, and his eyes widened with surprise and joy. He could hear the faint, rhythmic heartbeats of their baby, mingling softly with hers. With a contented sigh, he stood and quietly made his way to the living room, locking the doors, including the one to the engawa, ensuring their home was secure for the night.

Returning to the bedroom, Akaza laid himself down on the futon beside Y/n. He rested his head gently on her chest, wrapping his arms around her in a protective embrace. Y/n stirred in her sleep, her arms instinctively encircling his neck and shoulders, making him smile warmly. "Oyasumi, love," he whispered, his voice tender. Y/n mumbled something incoherent in her sleep, and Akaza's smile deepened.

He sighed contentedly and snuggled closer to her, cherishing the warmth and intimacy of the moment. Although sleep was a rare visitor for him, he closed his eyes, savoring the closeness and the comfort of holding his beloved. He remained awake, simply enjoying the act of cuddling her, his presence a silent promise of protection and love throughout the night.


"So, you found a house!" Y/n beamed, her eyes sparkling with excitement. Akaza, his head still resting comfortably on her chest, nodded in response, humming in satisfaction as her hand gently scratched his head.

"So, you found a house!" Y/n beamed, her eyes sparkling with excitement. Akaza, his head still resting comfortably on her chest, nodded in response, humming in satisfaction as her hand gently scratched his head. The morning light filtered softly through the room, casting a warm glow over them as they lay on the futon, relishing the peace of the moment.

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