Chapter 1

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"Tora you're up in 5!" The manager's voice rang out as she flung the door open. Hinata took a deep breath to calm her nerves and then shook her hands and rolled her neck, trying to release any tension that was building up. She glanced at her reflection in the mirror and adjusted her red contact lenses, concealing her lavender eyes. She put on all of her ear piercings and took a deep breath, looking directly at herself. "You got this, Hinata," she said to herself, determined and ready for her performance.

As she stepped out onto the stage, a bright light shone directly on her face, momentarily blinding her. She blinked a few times, adjusting to the sudden brightness.The crowd erupted into cheers and applause, their excitement filling the air. Hinata felt her nerves fade away as the energy of the audience washed over her. With a deep breath, she raised the microphone to her lips, a smile spreading across her face.

(Damn Life Is Good By FLAVIA)

I told you not to worry

'Cause I'm never gonna hurt you

With forever, what's the hurry?

When we've got so much to hold on to

When there's room for doubt

You're so quick to shut it out

One look you got me feeling weak

One touch and I'm on my knees

It's been three years and I could do a thousand more

If I've got you right here then damn life is good

Hinata sat in her front yard, engrossed in playing with her dolls, while her parents welcomed the new neighbors. Suddenly, she felt a shadow looming over her, and she looked up to see a young boy around her age. She felt a shiver run down her spine, but she gathered the courage to say hello. "Oh, hello," she stuttered. The boy just hummed as he sat down next to her. She looked at him curiously and asked, "W-what's your name?" The boy looked at her with a hint of disinterest and responded, "Sasuke." Hinata smiled despite his lack of enthusiasm and said, "I-I'm Hinata."

"I see you've already met!" exclaimed Mikoto, as she approached the two kids. "Hello, Hinata. I'm Mikoto, Sasuke's mom. You guys are going to be friends, right?" she asked, full of excitement. Sasuke let out a scoff, while Hinata continued to smile. "Y-Yes," Hinata replied politely. "Good! Make sure not to hurt my Sasu's heart, okay?" Mikoto warned, half-jokingly. "I-I would never hurt him," Hinata responded shyly, her voice barely above a whisper.

I love the way you look at me

When I'm not paying attention

You always see the best in me

Even on my worst rendition

It's been three years and I could do a thousand more

If I've got you right here then damn life is good

Hinata sat at her desk, her pencil tapping against her lips as she pondered the equation in front of her. Meanwhile, Sasuke leaned lazily against his hand, having already finished all the test questions. He couldn't resist watching Hinata as she concentrated on her work. Sensing someone's gaze, Hinata turned to Sasuke and gave him a smile before returning to her work.

Sasuke couldn't help but feel a warmth in his chest as Hinata smiled at him. He had known her for years now, and yet every time he saw her smile, it still made his heart skip a beat. He admired the way she approached every task with such determination and focus, even something as mundane as a math equation.

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