Chapter 13

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Susanoo and Tora had retreated to the back of the stage, and Tora had pulled Susanoo towards her by his collar, whispering into his ear. "Can't make any promises, huh?" she said, alluding to the suggestive lyrics of his earlier song. Susanoo just smirked back at her, his trademark cockiness on full display.

Susanoo leaned in closer to Tora, his lips almost touching her ear. "Well, I did say I'd try," he said, his voice dripping with cockiness. Tora rolled her eyes, but couldn't help but feel a small twinge of desire at his confidence.

Susanoo chuckled at her reaction and pulled away slightly, looking down at her with a mischievous smirk. "But why bother trying when I already know I can deliver?" he said, his tone still oozing with arrogance.

Tora couldn't help but feel a blush rise to her cheeks at his boldness. She remembered their passionate night together and how he had certainly delivered then. She bit her lip, trying to hide her growing arousal from him.

Susanoo noticed her reaction and leaned in even closer, his lips hovering just above hers. "You want to go again, don't you?" he whispered, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Tora couldn't resist any longer. She grabbed him by the collar and pulled him into a deep, heated kiss, their bodies pressed against each other as they lost themselves in the moment.

As they separated, there was a round of applause in the background, which made them both quickly realize that they were not alone. "Man, you guys are taking this fake dating seriously," the manager said, grinning at them. She walked over to them, "Well, it's time to meet your fans," she said, grabbing their wrists and pulling them towards the lounge.


As they walked into the lounge, their hands intertwined, their eyes widened upon seeing who was there. Sakura and Shion were glaring at each other, while Naruto was attempting to mediate between them. Upon the couple's arrival, the group ceased their quarrel. "OMG!" Shion yelled, running up to Tora and Susanoo. They both put up a smile as she hugged them. "You're actually in front of me." Shion squealed, before running up to Naruto and grabbing his good arm. The other being in a sling.

Susanoo and Tora invited the group to sit on the couch, but the tension was thick. Sakura sat as far away as possible from Shion and Naruto, and Tora settled onto Susanoo's lap. It was awkward for a multitude of reasons, one being that Naruto was Hinata's ex, and Sakura was dating Sasuke. To make matters worse, the girl Naruto cheated on Hinata with was also present. Despite the awkwardness, Tora tried to keep up a polite conversation, acting as if she didn't know the group very well, except for Naruto, whom she had only met once before. Meanwhile, Susanoo's hand rested on Tora's hips, adding to the tension in the room.

Susanoo couldn't resist teasing Tora. He leaned in close to her ear and whispered, "You know, I can't wait to get you alone later." Tora blushed, but managed to keep up her act of being a stranger to the group.

Naruto turned to Susanoo and exclaimed, "Man, I love your new song! Hey Ben, I'm sorry, but I might have slept with your girlfriend," before chuckling to himself. "Feels bad for Ben though," he added, shaking his head. Susanoo's smirk grew wider as he looked at Tora and then back at Naruto. "Yeah, poor Ben," he replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

As Susanoo kissed Tora's neck, his eyes caught Sakura watching them intently. She couldn't help but wish she was in Tora's place. Before Sakura could speak up, the manager walked in and announced that their time was up. Tora started to get up, but Susanoo pulled her back down onto his lap. Tora's eyes widened as the realization hit her, and she stayed there while everyone else left the lounge.

She turned her head to face him, her eyes filled with worry. "Sasuke," she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. "Hinata, just don't get up yet," Susanoo replied, his voice calm and reassuring. "It'll go away soon." He said, squeezing her hips. Tora nodded.


As soon as she got to the dorm, Hinata scolded herself for almost giving in to temptation. She knew deep down that Susanoo was really Sasuke, her childhood best friend. But the night they had slept together had changed everything. Her feelings for him had returned full force and every time she saw him, she couldn't resist the urge to jump his bones. Hinata shook her head, trying to rid herself of the thought.

Hinata collapsed onto her bed and gazed up at the ceiling. Her body felt like it was on fire, and she couldn't shake the memory of Sasuke's flirtatious and cocky attitude. The feeling of him inside of her or pressed against her. She knew she shouldn't give in to temptation, especially since Sasuke was dating her friend Sakura, but she couldn't deny the intense feelings she had for him.

Her hand trailed down her chest and hovered over her pants, her finger tracing the rim as she debated whether or not to act on her desires. She bit her bottom lip as she slipped her hand into her pants.

Her fingers felt the softness of her panties. "Mm." She couldn't help but let out. She just wanted it so bad. She took a deep breath before taking her hand out of her pants. Realizing that her thoughts and actions were not appropriate, she quickly sat up on the bed and took a deep breath. "I need to clear my head," she thought to herself. "I'll take a shower." With determination, she got up and made her way to the bathroom, hoping that the cool water would help calm her desires. She knew that giving into her impulses would only bring regret and shame, so she focused on keeping a clear mind and staying in control of herself.

As Hinata was getting ready to take a shower, she heard her phone buzz. She picked it up to see a message from Sasuke.

Sasuke: "Hey Hinata, how's the weather down there?"

Hinata rolled her eyes at his cockiness. "Very funny, Sasuke. What do you want?"

"Just thinking. If I never found out that you were Tora, you think we would have had more sex?" Sasuke's text gives suggestive undertones. Hinata's face flushed with embarrassment and she hesitated before replying, "I don't know, Sasuke. You were the one who said we shouldn't do it again."

Sasuke chuckled. "I did, but that doesn't mean I haven't been craving it."

Hinata shook her head, trying to ignore the arousal that was starting to build within her. "Sasuke, we can't keep doing this. It's not right."

Sasuke replied, his tone serious. "I know, Hinata. But you can't deny that we have a strong connection. Every time I'm around you, I feel like I'm losing control."

Hinata let out a sigh as she placed her phone down, deciding to ignore Sasuke's messages until after her shower. She knew that giving in to his advances would only complicate things further and potentially ruin their friendship. With a determined mindset, she stepped into the shower and let the cool water wash away any lingering desires or temptations.

As Hinata was about to step into the shower, she couldn't help but feel conflicted. She wanted Sasuke just as much as he wanted her, but she didn't want to hurt Sakura. Sakura was her friend, and she didn't want to betray her trust by sleeping with her boyfriend.

Hinata took a deep breath and reminded herself of her values. She valued honesty and loyalty, and she couldn't betray those values for a moment of pleasure. She stepped into the shower and let the cool water wash over her, hoping it would help her clear her mind.

After her shower, Hinata returned to her room to find another message from Sasuke.

Sasuke: "I guess you're ignoring me now. That's okay. I like a challenge."

Hinata let out a deep sigh as she lay on her bed, staring at the ceiling. "He's so confusing," she muttered to herself, still thinking about Sasuke's teasing message.

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