Chapter 3

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Tora and Susanoo stood facing each other, both unsure of what to do next. The manager had unceremoniously pushed them out of the company doors, leaving them to face a swarm of paparazzi waiting outside.

"Just hold hands," she had said, "Let the paparazzi take photos of you guys together, and they will do the rest."

Susanoo extended his hand towards Tora, his expression hesitant but determined. Tora stared at his outstretched hand for a moment, then slowly slipped her own hand into his. She felt a rush of nerves and apprehension, but also a strange sense of excitement.

As their fingers intertwined, Tora and Susanoo both felt a jolt of electricity pass between them, sending shivers down their spines. Tora looked up at Susanoo, her red eyes meeting his piercing blue ones, and for a moment, they were lost in each other's gaze.

However, the spell was soon broken as they both shook their heads and got back to the task at hand. They walked down the bustling streets, talking and getting to know each other better. Despite only just meeting, they both felt like they had known each other for years, and their conversation flowed easily between them.

As they walked, they noticed how the paparazzi seemed to follow their every move, capturing every moment of their conversation on camera. Their private moments were on display for the world to see, but they both knew it came with the territory of being celebrities.

"It's so weird," Tora said, laughing. "It's like I'm talking to my best friend."

Susanoo stole a glance at her, a small smile playing on his lips. He didn't say anything, but he couldn't agree more with her. It was strange how easy it felt to talk to Tora, as if they had known each other for years.

As they continued walking, the paparazzi continued to snap photos of them, but Tora and Susanoo paid them no mind. They were lost in their own world, enjoying each other's company and the beautiful cityscape around them.


Hinata snuggled closer to Naruto, and as he scrolled through his phone, she couldn't help but feel a little neglected. She leaned up to get a better look at his face. "Is the phone more important than me?" Hinata asked, her voice barely above a whisper. Naruto quickly put down his phone, a sheepish grin on his face. "No, never!" he said, pulling her closer to him. "I just saw that Tora and Susanoo started dating so I was reading this article." Hinata's eyes widened in surprise. "Wait, really? Let me see," she said, eagerly reaching out for the phone. Naruto handed it over to her, and they both read through the article together, discussing the latest gossip about their fellow musicians.

Rumors are swirling around the entertainment industry after a series of photos emerged showing popular singers Susanoo and Tora holding hands in public

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Rumors are swirling around the entertainment industry after a series of photos emerged showing popular singers Susanoo and Tora holding hands in public. The photos, taken by paparazzi, have sparked widespread speculation that the two musicians might be dating.

Susanoo, known for his smooth voice and sexy looks, has been in the music world for the past few years. Tora, on the other hand, burst onto the scene more recently with her powerful vocals and catchy pop hits. Despite their different styles, the two singers have quickly become fan favorites.

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